

Welcome to the home page for the MiddCar Project! This page is part of a first-year seminar on Global Change (FS-036) taught by Professor Wolfson. The MiddCar Project will examine the driving habits of the Middlebury College community.

The vehicle on the left gets only around 11 miles per gallon! The one on the right (a Toyota Prius) gets around 60 miles per gallon (it's a hybrid car)!


The survey is complete. Thank you to all those that responded. Some results are posted below.


THANK YOU to everyone who responded to our survey! We received over 400 responses and have tabulated some of that data. Below are some preliminary results. Please note these numbers are only rough estimates, but they are fairly accurate.

Some Preliminary Results:


(1) Perhaps you've seen the orange flyers in the dining halls but keep forgetting to write down the phone number. The flyers refer to a transportation system for the Middlebury community that will help us cut down on driving (and therefore Carbon Dioxide emissions). The system is called "ACTR" and their phone number is (802) 388-1946.

(2) Did you know that Middlebury college is in posession of a real electricity-powered vehicle? It's true! The college is part of a program that is testing the feasability of electric vehicles, and has a one-year lease on an EV E-10 pickup (looks like an S-10, but check under the hood - no engine! Just a big battery!). The EV has somewhat limited range and suffers from various other drawbacks, but it is a great experiment. While a gas-powered car might only use about one third of the energy in gasoline to produce locomotion, the EV is nearly 90% efficient in turning electrical energy (supplied when the batteries are charged) into kinetic energy. Wow!

(3) Subscribe to Middlebury's moderated environmental affairs listing! Send an email message to Majordomo@panther.middlebury.edu and type "subscribe enviroaffairs" in the body of the message.

(4) Join us for the weekly environmental studies colloquiem and luncheon every Thursday in Gifford Lounge from 12:20 to 1:20.

(5) Want to cut down on CO2 emissions? Carpool! Check Middlebury's e-boards for carpool listings and information!

(6) There are many groups working on the problems of parking, circulation, and driving at Middlebury. There has been some fairly heated debate on these subjects. The Community Council just completed a discussion about parking, and has recommended to President McCardell that a committee be formed to deal specifically with that problem. Look for other groups working on this issue as well!

(7) WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! You can write your representatives and ask them to help the United States transition away from non-renewable resources. The United States must be a leader if we are to make a serious global commitment to switching to renewables. ALSO, Middlebury College has a lot of money invested in petroleum companies. The challenge posed to us as students is to get the college to use its considerable financial influence to convince the fossil fuel industry that we must change our ways. More on this to come!

(8) Check out the LINKS heading below for some internet resources revolving about issues of global warming and the environment.


The following are some links to some web pages that might be of interest to those concerned with our environment.

Addison County Transit Resources

Climate Dynamics

COP5 (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC))

Middlebury's Environmental Quality (EQ) page

Middlebury's E-boards (for carpooling, etc.)




Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Ozone.org - Let's use Middlebury College's financial influence to effect change!

U.S. Energy Information Administration

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Scenarios

Yellow Bike Program

This is not official information, but it is kind of funny: "Canyonerro" song


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Page last updated on 12/13/99


Please address comments or questions about this web page to Saad Kamal or Zachary Manganello (skamal@middlebury.edu and k1zk@middlebury.edu respectively).