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Middlebury College Presidents


Over the years, Middlebury College has enjoyed a diverse group of men in its chief executive position. Here presented are some personal papers and other archival materials relating to past presidents.


1800 Jeremiah Atwater, S.T.D.

1809 Henry Davis, S.T.D.

1818 Joshua Bates, D.D.

1840 Benjamin Labaree, D.D., LL.D.

1866 Harvey Denison Kitchel, D.D.

1875 Calvin Butler Hulbert, D.D.

1880 Cyrus Hamlin, D.D., LL.D.

1885 Ezra Brainerd, D.D., LL.D., Sc.D.

1908 John Martin Thomas, D.D., LL.D, Litt.D.

1921 Paul Dwight Moody, D.D.

1943 Samuel Somerville Stratton, LL.D.

1963 James Isbell Armstrong, Ph.D., LL.D., L.H.D., Litt.D.

1975 Olin Clyde Robison, LL.D., D. Phil.

1990 Timothy Light, Ph.D.

1991 John Malcolm McCardell, Jr., Ph.D., Litt.D.

2004 Ronald D. Liebowitz


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