Butlletí de la NACS | Issue 57 | March 2001

Notícies i avisos
compilat per Llorenç Comajoan


Sporting Cultures: Hispanic and European Perspectives
10-12 January 2002, Halifax Hall, University of Sheffield

An International Interdisciplinary Conference organized by the Department of
Hispanic Studies, University of Sheffield, with the collaboration of the
School of Sport and Leisure Management, Sheffield Hallam University

We invite colleagues from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to submit proposals for papers focusing on issues dealing with sporting culture /
sport in culture in a variety of twentieth and twenty-first century contexts. The aim of this Conference is to contribute to raising the profile of sport as a subject for academic study and research within the Arts and Humanities especially, and to act as a forum for discussion of unexpected and productive interactions.

Areas and themes that are likely to be of interest include: sport and literature, traditional and new media, nationalisms, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, eroticism, theories of the body, religion and philosophy, colonialism, music, youth and ageing, sociological and psychological perspectives, humour, visual arts, resistance, limits and taboos.

We particularly wish to achieve a balance between theoretical approaches and practical applications. To this end we intend that a plenary and at least
one session will examine the place of sport and leisure culture in Sheffield
itself, acknowledging the city's experiences as a national and international sporting centre.

It is hoped to publish an edited collection of Conference papers.

Those wishing to present papers (20 minutes' duration) should submit a title
and a proposal of 300 words, indicating technical requirements as appropriate, to the Organizers at the e-mail addresses below, to arrive no
later than 15 July 2001.  Proposals may also be sent by post or fax. Please
note that the language of the Conference is English, and proposals should
also be in English.

Organizers: Dr Louise Johnson & Dr David Wood, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Sheffield, SHEFFIELD, S10 2TN, e-mail: p.l.johnson@shef.ac.uk, fax:  (0)114 222 0561

Conference cost is expected to be around £150 inclusive of conference fee,
accommodation, meals and evening conference dinner. Note that speakers are expected to seek funding from their own institutions to cover the cost of
attendance. Preferential rates may be available for unwaged participants and
postgraduate students.



6th Forum for Iberian Studies University of Oxford 
on Cinema and History, 18-19 May 2001

The Modern Languages Faculty of the University of Oxford is holding the 6th
Forum for Iberian Studies at the Taylorian Institution on the above dates.
We invite scholars to offer proposals for papers focusing on a wide variety
of issues dealing with the representation of history in films in any of the
languages of the Iberian Peninsula (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese,
and Spanish). We hope to receive contributions from both established
academics and graduate students.

Those wishing to present papers should submit a title and an abstract of
around 150 words outlining the proposed topic and indicating technical
requirements (if needed) to the following addresses:

Manuel Puga Moruxa  (puga.mor@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk), The Queen's College, Oxford, OX1 4AW

Pedro García-Caro   (pedro.garcia-caro@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk), Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, 47 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JF

Papers should last no more than thirty minutes and will be eligible for
consideration for publication in a volume of proceedings. Deadline for
submission of abstracts: 18 February 2001.


Ponències del congrés Cultura Catalana i l'Acadèmia


Ja es poden consultar les ponències del tercer congrés en línia sobre la Cultura Catalana i l'Acadèmia organitzat per la Universitat de Cambridge i la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya sota la direcció ¨de Dominic Keown (Cambridge) i Montserrat Roser i Puig (Kent). El congrés es va celebrar del 27 de novembre al 8 de desembre del 2000. Podeu consultar les ponències senceres a través dels següents enllaços:

També podeu accedir a la discussió en línia de cada treball a través d'aquest enllaç


Literatura catalana a Internet


En els últims mesos hi ha hagut un increment considerable de pàgines web dedicades a la literatura catalana. Us en destaquem aquestes tres:

  • Vilaweb Lletres. És un canal especialitzat de Vilaweb que ofereix informació relacionada amb el món editorial, cultural i literari de l'àmbit català. Tambe s'hi poden llegir extractes del llibre del mes i de la setmana. Conté una gran quantitat d'enllaços relacionats amb premis literaris i editorials que publiquen en català.

  • Traces. Realitzat per la Univesitat Autònoma de Barcelona, es tracta d'una base de dades de 35.000 registres relacionats amb la filologia catalana.

  • Lletra, espai virtual de literatura catalana. Forma part de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Es tracta, sens dubte, del portal més especialitzat en literatura catalana. Es pot accedir a material bibliogràfic organitzat per gèneres, noms propis i períodes i moviments.
Noves de sociolingüística

La Direcció General de Política Lingüística ha posat a la xarxa la revista Noves de Sociolingüística. Al número actual d'hivern 2001 hi trobareu els següents articles:


Material per aprende català a Internet

Des del dia 15 de març de 2001 ja podeu aprendre català a la xarxa amb el nou curs Intercat. Tal i com s'explica en el següent paràgraf introductori, es tracta d'un recull de lliçons bàsiques de català, especialment adreçades a estudiantes estrangers que fan intercanvis acadèmics a universitats de parla catalana. Les lliçons tenen seccions d'àudio, exercicis comunicatius i exercicis gramaticals.

Through the use of new technologies, a number of Catalan-learning resources have been grouped together in a single space, under the name of Intercat: Speakc@t, University Conversation Guide and Sisplau.

The site also contains information on the situation of the language in Catalonia and the cultural hosting and language exchange programmes offered by Catalan universities.

Intercat is a project being carried out by the linguistics services of nine Catalan universities and the Directorate-General of Universities, co-financed by the European Union and the Department of Universities, Research and the Information Society and Catalan public universities.


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