2){ $subdir=$dir."/".$file; //print $subdir; if (is_dir($subdir)){ //print "ha!"; $total++; //get the path to course PUBLIC_HTML directory $public_html=$subdir."/PUBLIC_HTML"; //int $public_html."\n"; if (is_dir($public_html)){ //open the course PUBLIC_HTML directory $web_handle=opendir($public_html); $count=0; $has_index=0; while (false !== ($html_file = readdir($web_handle))){ $count++; if (("$html_file"=="index.html") || ("$html_file"=="index.htm")){ $has_index=1;} } closedir($web_handle); if ($count>3){ if ($has_index == 1){ array_push ($index_courses,$file); }else{ array_push ($other_courses,$file); } } } } }else{ $skip_root+=1; } } closedir($handle); ?> The following courses do not have Index pages:

"; } ?>
The following course Index pages have been found:

"; } ?>
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