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Ask your classmates: ±à  çä êïÓÇÙÏèæ ÒåäÇÁçå áê ÇäÏÑÇÓÉ ¿ ²à çä êÓÇÙÏèæ áê ÔÚä ÇäÈêÊ ¿ ³à  Ãêæ êïÐÇãÑèæ áê ÇäåÓÇÁ ¿ ´à  åÙ åîæ êÐÇãÑèæ ¿ µà  Ãêæ ¯ åÇÐÇ êÑêÏèæ Ãæ êÙåäèÇ áê ÇäåÓÊâÈä ¿ ¶à  çä êæÌÍèæ áê ÇåÊÍÇæÇÊçå ÏÇÆåëÇ ¿  åÇÐÇ êÓÇÙÏçå Ùäé Ðäã ¿ ·à  çä êÏÑÓèæ äÇåÊÍÇæ ÇäÏÎèä Åäé ãäêÉ Çä×È MCAT Ãè ãäêÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇäÃÙåÇä GMAT¿ ÇäâèÇÙÏ  ÇäáÙä ÇäåÇÖê      ÇäåÇÖê         past In Chapter 4, you learned that ÇäáÙä ÇäåÖÇÑÙ describes incomplete and habitual actions, similar to the English present tense. To describe past completed actions and events, Arabic uses ÇäáÙä ÇäåÇÖê . You have seen several examples of ÇäåÇÖê :     ãæÊï áê ÇäÕá ÇäÃèä        ÊÎàÑñÌàÊï åæРÓæÊêæ         åàÇÊàîÊ èÇäÏÊê ¬ Çääç êÑÍåçÇ Note that ÇäåÇÖê is conjugated with suffixes, and that most verbs have similar, but not identical stems for the two tenses. You must memorize both stems, ÇäåÖÇÑÙ and ÇäåÇÖê , for each verb. As you learn more verbs, you will see that they follow certain patterns, and you will be able to derive new verb stems based on these patterns. To work towards that goal, start paying attention to the syllabic structure of both ÇäåÖÇÑÙ and ÇäåÇÖê verbs. Beginning with this chapter, stems for both ÇäåÖÇÑÙ and ÇäåÇÖê will be given for each new verb. Make it a habit to learn both stems together. The following chart shows the conjugation of ÇäåÇÖê using the verb áîÙîäî to do:  ÃæÇ áîàÙîàäàòàÊï æÍæ áîàÙîàäàòàæÇ ÃæÊî áîàÙîàäàòàÊî ÃæÊå áîàÙîàäàòàÊàïàå ÃæÊð áîàÙîàäàòàÊð çè áîàÙîàäî çå áîàÙîàäèÇ çê áîàÙîààäîààÊò Note that the alif on the plural ending èÇ for çå is a spelling convention only and it is not pronounced (like the alif on the åÖÇÑÙ suffix èÇ) . Remember that you learned to conjugate the past verb ãÇæ with two stems, ãÇæà ­ and ãàïæà ­ . The verb ÃÑÇÏ also has two stems in ÇäåÇÖê , as shown in the following chart. Memorize:  ÃæÇ ÃîÑîÏòÊï  æÍæ ÃîÑîÏòæÇ ÃæÊî ÃîÑîÏòÊ î ÃæÊå ÃîÑîÏòÊààïå ÃæÊð ÃîÑîÏòÊð çè ÃîÑÇÏîî çå ÃîÑÇÏèÇ çê ÃîÑÇÏîÊò  æáê ÇäåÇÖê  æîáê                negation ÇäåÖÇÑÙ andÇäåÇÖê are negated differently in formal Arabic. In Chapter 4, you learned to negate ÇäåÖÇÑÙ with äÇ as in "äÇ ÇÙÑá". There are two ways to negate the past tense in formal Arabic; the one we will use for now is ÇäåÇÖê + åÇ . The following examples demonstrate: åÇ ÊÎÑÌÊï  åæ ÇäÌÇåÙÉ ® I did not graduate äåÇÐÇ åÇ ãæÊî áê ÇäáÕä ¿ did you not go ÌÏÊê åÇ ÏÎàäàîÊ ÇäÌÇåÙÉ ® did not enter (go to ) From now on, learn both ÇäåÖÇÑÙ and ÇäåÇÖê stems together as a set. Both stems will be given in vocabulary lists, either in the form used in the text or in the Òdictionary form,Ó which is third masculine singular ¨çè©. Learn ÇäåÇÖê stems of the verb you already know, and pay particular attention to the vowels of both stems: ÇäåÖÇÑÙ ÇäåÇÖê êÓãàïæ Óîãàîæî êÏÑïÓ ÏîÑîÓî êãÊàïÈ ãàîÊîàÈî êÔÙàïÑ Èà ÔîàÙîàÑî Èà êÐçîÈ Åäé ÐîçîÈî Åäé êâÑîà âàîÑîÃî êîáÙîä áîÙîäî êÙÑðá ÙîÑîáî êÙåîä Ùîàåðàäî êÍáîØ ÍîàáðàØî êãèæ ãÇæî  ¨ãàïæÊ© êâèä âÇäî  ¨âàïäÊ© êåèÊ åÇÊî  ¨åïàÊñ© êÙêÔ ÙÇÔî  ¨ÙðÔÊ© êïÏÑñðÓ ÏîÑñîÓî êïÔÇçðÏ ÔÇçîÏî êîÊîÐãàñîÑ ÊîÐîãàñîÑî êîÊîãäàñîå Êîãàîäàñîåî êîÊîÎîàÑñîÌ ÊîÎîàÑñîÌî êîÓÊîåðÙ  Åäé ÇðÓÊîåîÙî  Åäé    ÊåÑêæ ´      åÇÐÇ áÙäèÇ ¿ Practice narrating and describing past events using the following verbs:   ±à  ÇäÍåÏ ääç¡  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ÃÎÊê áê ÇåÊÍÇæÇÊçÇ ®  ¨æÌÍ©   ²à  ÈÙÏ ÇäÊÎÑÌ åæ ÇäÌÇåÙÉ àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ÇÈæ ÎÇäê ÈÇäÌêÔ ®  ¨ÇäÊÍâ©   ³à  ãå ÓæÉ ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ÇäÃÏÈ ÇäáÑæÓê êÇ ÓåêÑÉ ¿  ¨ÏÑÓ©   ´à  çä ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà åÙ ÃÕÏâÇÆãå Åäé Çäå×Ùå ÇäÌÏêÏ ¿  ¨ÐçÈ©   µà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ÇäåÏÑÓÉ ÇäÇÈÊÏÇÆêÉ èÙåÑê ¶ ÓæèÇÊ ®  ¨ÏÎä©   ¶à  ãêá ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ÙæèÇæ ÈêÊæÇ êÇ ÓÇåêÉ ¿  ¨ÙÑá©   ·à  ÃåÓ ¬ ÃæÇ èÒåäÇÆê ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ×èÇä ÇäæçÇÑ ®  ¨Ùåä©   ¸à  áê ÇäÍâêâÉ ¬ ÃæÇ åÇ ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà åÙçÇ åæРÃÓÈèÙêæ ®  ¨Êãäå©   ¹à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ÇÈæ ÙåñÊê ÇäÓáÑ Åäé ÊèæÓ èäãæ èÇäÏÊç ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ®     ¨ÃÑÇÏ©         ¨ÑáÖ© °±à  ÇäåèØáèæ åÇ àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà áê ÇäåãÊÈ êèå ÇäÌåÙÉ ®  ¨ãÇæ©    ÊåÑêæ µ      åÇÐÇ áÙäÊ ¿ Practice talking about past events by asking your classmates these questions:   ±à  çä ÍîàáðàØÊ ÇäãäåÇÊ ÇäÌÏêÏÉ ¿   ²à  åÙ åîæ ÊîàãàîäàñîåÊ ÈÇäÊäêáèæ ¿   ³à  åæ Ãêñ åÏÑÓÉ ÊÎÑÌÊ ¿   ´à  åæРãå ÓæÉ ÏîÎîàäÊ ÇäÌÇåÙÉ ¿   µà  åÇÐÇ ¯ Ãêæ ÙåäÊ ÇäÕêá ÇäåÇÖê ¿   ¶à  çä ÔÇçîàÏÊ áêäåëÇ áê ÇäÃÓÈèÙîêòæ ÇäåÇÖêêæ ¿   ·à  Åäé åîæ ãàîÊîÈÊ ÑÓÇäÉ ¿   ¸à  çä ÏîÑîÓÊ ãËêÑëÇ ÃîåÓ ¿    ¹à  çä ÇðÓÊîåîÙÊ Åäé ÇäÑÇÏêè çÐÇ ÇäÕÈÇÍ ¿ °±à  Ãêñ ãÊÇÈ âîÑîÃÊ çÐÇ ÇäÃÓÈèÙ ¿     ÊåÑêæ ¶        This article about Casablanca contains many words you do not know, but sometimes it is possible to determine meaning with the help of grammatical clues. Does the following article contain information on the history of the city? How do you know? Follow the historical narration as best you can by finding the verbs that indicate past events: ÇäÏÇÑ ÇäÈêÖÇÁ ÇÔÊçÑÊ åÏêæÉ ÇäÏÇÑ ÇäÈêÖÇÁ áê ÇäåÚÑÈ ÈçÐÇ ÇäÇÓå ¬ äÇ áê ÇääÚÉ ÇäÙÑÈêÉ èÍÓÈ ¬ èÇæåÇ áê ÇääÚÇÊ ÇäåÊáÑÙÉ Ùæ ÇääÇÊêæêÉ ÃêÖÇ ¬ èãÇæ ÇäÈÑÊÚÇäêèæ Çèä åæ Ç×äâ ÙäêçÇ çÐÇ ÇäÇÓå áê ÇäâÑæ ÇäÓÇÏÓ ÙÔÑ ® ÇåÇ âÈä Ðäã ÇäÊÇÑêΠáâÏ âÇåÊ áê åãÇæçÇ âÑêÉ ääÈÑÈÑ ÊÓåé ¢ÇæáÇ¢ áê ÇäâÑæ ÇäËÇæê ÙÔÑ ® Ëå ÇÕÈÍÊ Êäã ÇäâÑêÉ åÑãÒÇ ääâÑÇÕæÉ ¬ ååÇ ÇÒÙÌ ÇäÈÑÊÚÇäêêæ ¬ ááãÑèÇ áê ÇäÇÓÊêäÇÁ ÙäêçÇ ® èÊå ÚÒèçÇ ÙÇå 1468 ® èäãæ ÇäÚÒè ÇäÈÑÊÚÇäê ÊÍèä Çäé ÊÏåêÑ ãÇåä ääâÑêÉ èÇÕÈÍ ÇÓå ¢ÇæáÇ¢ ÇäÐê Ç×äâ ÙäêçÇ ê×äâ Çäêèå Ùäé ÇÍÏ ÇÍêÇÁ ÇäåÏêæÉ ÇäÊê âÇåÊ Ùäé ÇæâÇÖçÇ ® ÚêÑ Çæ ÇäÈÑÊÚÇäêêæ ÙÇÏèÇ Çäé åæ×âÉ ÇäâÑêÉ ÙÇå 1515 ÍêË ÇÓÊâÑèÇ çÐç ÇäåÑɬ èÇâÇåèÇ ÇäåÏêæÉ ÇäÊê Ç×äâèÇ ÙäêçÇ ÇÓå ¢ãÇÒÇ ÈÑÇæãÇ¢ Casa Branca Çê ÇäÏÇÑ ÇäààÈêàÖàÇÁ ® èÌÇÑÇçå áê Ðäã ÌêÑÇæçå ÇäÇÓÈÇæ áÇ×äâèÇ ÙäêçÇ ÈäÚÊçå ÇÓå ¢ãÇÒÇ ÈäÇæãÇ¢ Casa Blanca Çê ÇäÏÇÑ ÇäÈêÖÇÁ ÇêÖÇ ® èÇäÓÈÈ áê Êäã ÇäÊÓåêÉ çè Çæ åÙØå ÈêèÊ ÇäåÏêæÉ ãÇæÊ Ê×äé ÈÇääèæ ÇäÇÈêÖ ¬ áÕÇÑ Çääèæ ÙäåÇ ÙäêçÇ èÇÓåÇ äçÇ ® èåÙ Ðäã ááê ÙÇå 1755 ÍÏË ÈÇäåÏêæÉ ÒäÒÇä åÏåÑ ÃÊé Ùäé åÙÇäåçÇ ® èáê ÇÙâÇÈç çÌÑçÇ ÇäÈÑÊÚÇäêèæ ¬ èØäÊ åçÌèÑÉ ÍÊé ÇçÊå ÈçÇ ÇäÓä×Çæ ÇäÙäèê ÓêÏê åÍåÏ Èæ ÙÈÏ Çääç áê ÇèÇÎÑ ÇäâÑæ ÇäËÇåæ ÙÔÑ ® èÌÏÏ ÇäÓä×Çæ åÙÇäå ÇäåÏêæÉ ¬ èÙçÏ Çäé ÇäÇÓÈÇæ ÈÊæØêå ÇäåêæÇÁ ® èÙæÏ ÐÇã Ç×äâèÇ Ùäé ÇäåÏêæÉ ÇÓåçÇ ÇäÇÓÈÇæê ¬ èÇÓÊâÑèÇ ÈçÇ ¬ ÍÊé ÈÏàÇäáÑæÓêèæ áê ÇäÊãÇËÑ áê ÇäåÚÑÈ áê ÇÙâÇÈ ÇÍÊäÇäçå äç® èÙæÏ ÐÇã ÇêÖÇ Ç×äâ ÙäêçÇ ÇäáÑæÓêèæ ÇÓå ¢åêÒèæ ÈäÇæÔ¢ Maison Blanche  èçè ÇäÇÓå ÇäáÑæÓê ÇäåÙÇÏä ääÏÇÑ ÇäÈêÖÇÁ ® èåÙ ÇäÒåæ Ê×èÑÊ åÏêæÉ ÇäÏÇÑ ÇäÈêÖÇÁ èÇÊÓÙÊ ¬ ÍÊé ÇÕÈÍÊ ÇäåêæÇÁ ÇäÑÆêÓêÉ ääÈäÇϬ èÇÕÈÍ ÓãÇæçÇ êÒêÏèæ Çäêèå Ùäé åäêèæ èæÕá Çäåäêèæ æÓåÉ ® Èä ÇÕÈÍÊ ÇäÏÇÑ ÇäÈêÖÇÁ åÑãÒÇ ÊÌÇÑêÇ èÕæÇÙêÇ åÑåèâÇ áê ÇäåÚÑÈ ®          åæ åÌäÉ ÇäÔÑâ ÇäÃèÓ× ¬ 21¯³¯1990  ÇäÌÐÑ èÇäèÒæ  The Structure of Arabic words ÌîÐÑ              root èîÒæ         pattern You may have noticed that, in Arabic, words that are related in meaning tend to be related in form as well, in that they contain the same core group of consonants. For example, think of the words you know having to do with books and writing:        ãàîÊîÈî ¯êãÊÈ ¬  ãðÊÇÈÉ ¬  åãÊÈ Ì® åãÇÊÈ ¬  åãÊÈÉ Ì® åãÊÈÇÊ ¬  ãÊÇÈ Ì® ãààïÊàïÈ All these words have the same core group of consonants: ã­Ê­È . Likewise, you know several words that have to do with studying:      ÏîÑîÓî ¯êÏÑÓ ¬  ÏÑÇÓÉ ¬  êïÏÑñÓ ¬  ÊÏÑêÓ ¬  åîÏòÑÓÉ Ì® åÏÇÑÓ ¬  ÏîÑòÓ Ì® ÏÑèÓ Each group of words above shares three consonants: the first group shares ã­Ê­È and the second, Ï­Ñ­Ó . This core group of consonants that gives the basic meaning to a family of words is called the root, or ÇäÌîàÐÑ ¨Ì® ÌïàÐèÑ© . ÇäÌÐÑ is not a word, but a group of consonants, usually three in number (occasionally two or four). Sometimes one of the consonants in a root may be a è or ê as in êèå or ÈêÊ . The order of these consonants is critical to the integrity of ÇäÌÐÑ : Ï­Ñ­Ó is not equivalent to Ó­Ñ­Ï , and ã­Ê­È is different from ã­È­Ê . To identify ÇäÌÐÑ, look for three consonants. The following examples are straightforward:       Çäãäåɺ ÏÎèä åËä ÈÇÑÏ èÒÇÑÉ ÃãÈÑ       ÇäÌÐѺ Ï­Î­ä  å­Ë­ä È­Ñ­Ï è­Ò­Ñ ã­È­Ñ The ÌÐÑ of other words may be less obvious. How can you identify ÇäÌÐÑ of the following words, which have more than three consonants?        åÔÚèä                    åÓÊâÈä                    êäÊÍâ                    ÇäÇâÊÕÇÏ First, eliminate any prefixes and suffixes and Çäà . Second, look for long vowels Ñespecially alifÑand the consonants Ê , Ó , å , and æ . These letters are often not part of ÇäÌÐÑ but rather belong to ÇäèÒæ, or pattern, which we will see shortly. Eliminating these letters from the previous words, we are left with ÇäÌÐÑ : åÔÚèä åÓÊâÈä êäÊÍâ ÇäÇâÊÕÇÏ Ô­Ú­ä â­È­ä ä­Í­â â­Õ­Ï There are two final points to keep in mind. First, if in looking for ÇäÌÐÑ you see only two consonants, the second one probably has a ÔÏñÉ. This is called a doubled (or geminate) root. For example, ÇäÌÐÑ of the word Ùåñ is Ù­å­å , and that of Õá is Õ­á­á . Second, sometimes the plural of a noun will clarify a missing letter of its ÌÐÑ . For example, only two consonants appear in the word ÎÇä . However, the plural, ÃÎèÇä , shows a third root letter, è . Learning to identify ÇäÌÐÑ is important for two reasons. First, having an idea about the basic meaning of a ÌÐÑ by knowing a word will often help you guess the meanings of related words, thus increasing your vocabulary and comprehension. More importantly, the vast majority of Arabic dictionaries do not list words alphabetically, but rather by ÇäÌÐÑ . For example, to find the word ÇäâÈèä , you must know to look it up under â­È­ä . Identifying ÇäÌÐÑ is a skill that takes practice. In addition to doing the drills in this book, you can develop this skill by identifying ÇäÌÐÑ of new and old vocabulary, or by looking up words you already know in an Arabic-English dictionary (not the glossary). In Arabic word formation, the consonants of a ÌÐÑ fit into slots of a pattern, or èîÒ栨̮ ÃèÒÇæ© . A èÒæ is a skeletal structure of vowels and consonants that gives the syllabic structure of a word. Every word in Arabic has both a ÌÐÑ and a èÒæ . In Arabic grammar, ÃèÒÇæ are given using the consonants á­Ù­ä as a neutral ÌÐÑ . For example, the èÒæ of the word ×ÇäðÈ is áÇÙðàä . You can see that the consonants ×­ä­È can be fit into this èÒæ in place of the consonants á­Ù­ä to form the word ×ÇäÈ. The following ÃèÒÇæ are familiar to you from your vocabulary: èÒæ êîàáàòÙàïàä º    êîÏÑïÓ êîÍÕïàä êîÏÎàïàä êîÑáàïÖ èÒæ áàîÙêàä º Ìàîåêä ãàîÈêÑ ÕàîÚêÑ èîÍêÏ èÒæ áðàÙàÇäàÉ º ÏðÑÇÓÉ ÊðÌÇÑÉ èðÒÇÑÉ ÓðêÇÓÉ When a specific ÌÐÑ intersects with a specific èÒæ , an individual word is formed. This is the process of word derivation in Arabic. Theoretically, all combinations are possible; in practice, however, only some are used. The chart below gives you a partial overview of this process using some examples:  ÇäèÒæ áîÙîäî áîÙàñîäî ÇðáàòÊîÙîäî åîáàòÙèä       ÇäÌÐÑ        Ï­Ñ­Ó ÏîÑîÓî ÏîÑñîÓî ­­­­­ åîÏÑèÓ he studied he taught was studied       Ô­Ú­ä ÔîÚîäî ÔîÚàñîäî ÇðÔàòÊîÚîäî åîÔÚèä he occupied he put to work he worked busy, occupied      Ñ­á­Ö ÑîáîÖî ­­­­­ ­­­­­ åîÑáèÖ he refused unacceptable Arabic has many different ÃèÒÇæ : some commonly used for ÇäåáÑÏ , others for ÇäÌåÙ , others for ÇäåÕÏÑ , and a set of verbal ÃèÒÇæ  (we will return to these later). Some ÃèÒÇæ are longer because they are derived from the shorter ones and built up using certain consonants. The letters used to make up these longer ÃèÒÇæ include: long and short vowels, ÔÏñÉ, É, and the consonants å, Ó , Ê , æ , and initial à . The following are some of the ÃèÒÇæ that contain these letters: èÒæ åàîáàòÙàèä º åîÔàòÚèä èÒæ åàïÓàòÊàîáàòÙàîä º åïÓàòÊîàâàòÈîàä èÒæ ÇðáàòÊàîÙàîäî º ÇðäàòÊàîÍàîâî Most longer ÃèÒÇæ are related to verbs; we will return to them later. When you study vocabulary, note which words have the same èÒæ , and practice saying them out loud; this will help your pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary retention by making it easier to remember the exact shape and sound of a word.    ÊåÑêæ ·         Identify ÇäÌÐÑ of the following words: ÇäÊÌÇÑÉ ààà ààà ààà åÓÇÙÏÉ ààà ààà ààà ÊâÏêÑ ààà ààà ààà ÇäåÑÍèåÉ ààà ààà àà åæ×âÉ ààà ààà ààà èÍêÏ ààà ààà ààà ÇäÍâêâÉ ààà ààà ààà ÇäåÐÇãÑÉ ààà ààà ààà  ÇäÇÙÏÇÏêÉ ààà ààà ààà åÊÎÕÕ ààà ààà ààà ÃâÇÑÈ ààà ààà ààà ÃÓÑÉ ààà ààà ààà    ÊåÑêæ ¸       List four words you know for each of these ÃèÒÇæ : åËÇäº    åïàáàÇÙàîàäɺ        åÓÇÙÏÉ            åÐÇãÑÉ            åÍÇÖÑÉ   ±à  áÇÙðàäº àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ²à  áàðÙÇäɺ àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ³à  áàîÙàòàäº àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ´à  áàîÙàäÇæº àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà µà  ÃáàòÙÇäº àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ¶à  áàïÙàèäº àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ·à  áîàÙêàäº àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ÇäâÇåèÓ ÇäÙÑÈê    The Arabic Dictionary Arabic dictionaries list words according to ÇäÌÐÑ rather than spelling. The consonants of ÇäÌÐÑ are listed in alphabetical order, with alif representing the consonant Á (the vowel alif cannot be part of a root). Thus, in the dictionary, the root Ã­È­Ñ precedes È­Ñ­Ï which in turn precedes È­Ñ­Ò . Doubled roots, such as Í­â­â of ÍâêâÉ , are usually listed according to the alphabetical order of the first two letters only, such that Í­â­â precedes Í­â­È . Review the order of the alphabet if necessaryÑit is difficult to find anything in the dictionary if you do not know where to look. Each dictionary entry represents a ÌÐÑ. Within this entry, the first section lists the verbs.  We will return to this section later. Skip down to the next sub-entry, and you will find a noun, usually of the èÒæ "áàîÙàòä", followed by other nouns and then adjectives, all listed by èÒæ . In some dictionaries, internal vowels are given in transliteration (English letters).  Each noun entry should give a plural, and good dictionaries will give prepositions and idiomatic expressions as well. It is important to pay attention to these when looking up the meaning of a word.    ÊåÑêæ ¹      åÙ ÇäâÇåèÓ Practice using ÇäâÇåèÓ by looking up the following words. First, identify their ÌÐÑ . Then arrange the words in alphabetical order by ÇäÌÐÑ and write both in the space provided. Finally, look up the words in alphabetical order and write the meaning: ÔàïÙàèÑ åïÓÇÙÏ ÎîàäêàáÉ åàîÙàòåîàä  ÍàîÈêàÈ  Íàîâñ   âàîåîàÑêñ   ÊîáàòÓêàÑ ÓàïÑÙàÉ Öàîêàá åàïÑÇÓðàä ÃîÏêàÈ åîàÌàåàèÙàÉ áîàÑòâ âîàäðàâ ÕîàÏÇâàÉ          ÇäãäåÉ       ÇäÌÐÑ    Meaning   ±à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   ²à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   ³à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   ´à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà àààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   µà  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà àààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   ¶à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà ààààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   ·à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   ¸à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà   ¹à  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà °±à  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ±±à  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ²±à  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ³±à  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ´±à  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà ààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà µ±à  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà àààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà ¶±à  àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà àààà àààà àààà àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà  ÇäÇÙÏÇÏ ±±­°°±      Learn the numbers from eleven to one hundred: ÃîÍîÏ ÙîÔîÑ   ±± * * * * * * * * * * * ÇðËæÇ ÙîÔîÑ ²± * * * * * * * * * * * * ËäÇËÉ ÙÔÑ ³± * * * * * * * * * * * * * ÃÑÈÙÉ ÙÔÑ ´± * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ÎåÓÉ ÙÔÑ µ± * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ÓÊÉ ÙÔÑ ¶± * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ÓÈÙÉ ÙÔÑ ·± * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ËåÇæêÉ ÙÔÑ ¸± * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ÊÓÙÉ ÙÔÑ ¹± * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ÙðÔÑèæ¯ÙÔÑêæ °² * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * èÇÍÏ èÙÔÑèæ ±² * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ÇËæÇæ èÙÔÑèæ ²² * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ËäÇËÉ èÙÔÑèæ ³² * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ËîäÇËèæ¯ËäÇËêæ °³ ÓîÈÙèæ¯ÓÈÙêæ    °· ÃÑÈàîÙèæ¯ÃÑÈÙêæ         °´ ËîåÇæèæ¯ËåÇæêæ  °¸  ÎàîåÓèæ¯ÎåÓêæ  °µ ÊðÓÙèæ¯ÊÓÙêæ  °¹  ÓðÊñèæ¯ÓÊñêæ      °¶ åðÆÉ ¨åÇÆÉ© °°± Unlike the numbers from three to ten, which are used with a plural noun, the numbers from eleven to ninety-nine must be followed by a singular noun. In formal Arabic you will notice the noun is written with Êæèêæ ÇäáÊÍ ending. Study the following examples: ãÊÈÊ °³ ¨ËäÇËêæ© ÑÓÇäÉ ® áê áÈÑÇêÑ ¸² ¨ËåÇæêÉ èÙÔÑèæ© êèåëÇ ® ÙåÑê ¹± ¨ÊÓÙ ÙÔÑÉ© ÓæÉ èÌÏÊê ÙåÑçÇ ¶¸ ¨ÓÊ èËåÇæèæ© ÓæÉ ®     ÊåÑêæ °±        Listen to the tape and circle the number you hear in each line:   ±à ±¶ ±· ±²   ²à ¶¹ ¹¶ ·¹   ³à µ± µ² ±µ   ´à ²³ ³² ²²   µà ·² ²· ·±   ¶à µµ± µ±± °°±   ·à ¸¸ ¸· ·¸   ¸à ²± ¸± ¸²   ¹à µ¶ ¶µ ·µ °±à ´´ ´± °´     ÊåÑêæ ±±       An American publisher needs help in ordering pages that fell out of an Arabic manuscript. Order them in sequence, and show where to insert them by giving the previous page number for each page or series of pages: ²¶ ±µ ·· ¹¸ ±¸ ´¹ ´¸ ²¹ ³· µ· µ´ ¸¸ ¸¹ ¹¹ ¶¸ °¸ ¶· ¶¶ ²· ¶· ´´ ²¸ ³¶ ·¸     ÊåÑêæ ²±       ÇÓÃäèÇ ÒåäÇÁãå º Find out: ±à  åæРãå ÓæÉ êÏÑÓèæ ¿ ´à  ãå ÕÏêâàëÇ äçå áê çÐÇ ÇäÕá ¿ ²à  ãå ÃÓÈèÙëÇ áê ÇäÓæÉ ÇäÏÑÇÓêÉ ¿ µà  ãå ÙåÑçå ¿ ³à  ãå áêäåëÇ êÔÇçÏèæ áê ÇäÓæÉ ¿ ¶à  áê ÑÃêçå ¬ ãå ÙåÑ ÎÇäÏ ¿     ÊåÑêæ ³±      Definite or indefinite? 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Guess from the context the meaning of:   ÊàïÙÑîÖ  = ________________ (Hint: use grammar to help. Is it a noun? A verb?)     ÊåÑêæ ¶±       æÔÇ× ÇÓÊåÇÙ     ÔÇçÏèÇ ÇäáêÏêè Ùæ çÐç ÇäÌÇåÙÉ ÇäÙÑÈêÉ èÇãÊÈèÇ º ±à  ÇÓå ÇäÌÇåÙÉ ÇäÂæ  ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà 2.  Circle ÃÓåÇÁ ÇäãäêÇÊ mentioned in the program: ãäêÉ ÇäÂÏÇÈ ãäêÉ ÇäÍâèâ ãäêÉ ÇäÈæÇÊ ãäêÉ Çä×Èñ ãäêÉ ÇäÔÑêÙÉ ãäêÉ ÇäÙäèå 3. Two former names of çÐç ÇäÌÇåÙÉ are mentioned. Write one: _________________     ÊåÑêæ ·±        æÔÇ× âÑÇÁÉ  Many Arabic magazines provide a pen pal listing service like the one on the following page. 1. Look at the title of the page: what is its ÌÐÑ , and what clue does that give you to its meaning? 2. Skim the entries, and from the context, figure out the meaning of  ¢ÇäçðèÇêÉ¢: 3. What are the three most popular  çèÇêÇÊ? 4. Using context and ÇäÌÐÑ to help you guess, what do you think the word ÇäåÑÇÓäÉ means? 5. What does  ¢Õ®È®¢ mean? __________________     ÊåÑêæ ¸±      æÔÇ× åÍÇÏËÉ  From the ÊÙÇÑá section above, match three people with appropriate pen pals and explain why you have paired them. ÊÙäåèÇ çÐç ÇäãäåÇʺ    ÇäçèÇêÇÊ çàðèÇêàÉ Ì®  ­ÇÊ hobby ÇäÑðêÇÖÉ sports          ÇäâðàÑÇÁÉ          ÇäÊàñîÕèêÑ          ãàïÑÉ ÇäâîÏîå      ãàïÑÉ ÇäÓñîäàñÉ            ÇäåèÓêâé          ÇäàÊàñîÒîäàñïÌ          ÇäÌîÑê     ÇäÓêæðåÇ      ÇäãàïÑÉ Çä×àñÇÆÑÉ       ÇäÓðñÈÇÍÉ    ÇäÑñîÓå            ÇäÑñîâÕ ÇäËâÇáÉ ãïÑÉ ÇäâîÏîå Soccer enjoys tremendous popularity throughout the Arab world. Since the sport requires little equipment, children can play it in the street or an empty lot using a ball or even a tin can. Regional, national, and international matches and playoffs are televised to national audiences. The article below, an example of the generous media coverage soccer enjoys, reports on a local Egyptian rivalry. See if you can pick out the names of the two clubs:     ÊåÑêæ ¹±       æÔÇ× âÑÇÁÉ èãÊÇÈÉ   You may be interested in studying in an Arab country. The following is an application to one such program. Find out as much as you can about it, then complete: ±   à  ÇÓå Çä×ÇäÈ ¨å×ÇÈâëÇ äÌèÇÒ ÇäÓáÑ©º  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ²   à  ÇäÌæÓêÉ  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®  ³  ­  ÇäÏêÇæàɺ ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ´   à  Ã © ÊÇÑêΠÇäåêäÇϺ ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®  È©  ÇäÙåѺ ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® µ   à  åãÇæ ÇäåêäÇϺ  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®  ¶  ­  ÇäÍÇäÉ ÇäÇÌÊåÇÙêɺ  åÊÒèÌ   ÃÙÒÈ ·   à  ÇäÌæÓº  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®  ¸  ­  Çäåçæàɺ  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ¹   à  ÇäÙåä ÇäÍÇä꺠 ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® °±  à  ÅÐÇ ãæÊ âÏ ÏÑÓÊ áê ÈäÇÏ ÙÑÈêÉ åæ âÈä áÇÐãѺ Ç à  ÇÓå ÇäÈäàϺ  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® È  à  ÇÓå ÇäåÏÑÓÉ Ãè ÇäÌÇåÙɺ  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® Ìà à  ÊÇÑêΠÇäÊÎÑ̺  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ±± à  ÇÐãààÑ ÇääÚàÇÊ ÇäÊê ÊÙààÑáçàÇ èåÏé åÙÑáÊã ÈçàÇ åæ æÇÍêÉ áçàå ÇäãàäÇå ¬ èÇäÊÍÏË ¬ èÇäâÑÇÁÉ ¬ èÇäãÊÇÈÉ ¬  åÙ ÐãÑ ÇäåÓÊèé ÅÐÇ ãÇæ ååÊÇÒëÇ Ãè ÌêñðÏëÇ Ãè åÊèÓ×ëÇ ® Ç  à  äÚÊã ÇäÇå º  ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® È à  äÚÇÊ ÇÎÑéº áçå ÇäãäÇå  ÇäÊÍÏË ÇäâÑÇÁÉ ÇäãÊÇÈÉ   ååÊÇÒ ÌêÏ åÊèÓ× ååÊÇÒ ÌêÏ åÊèÓ× ååÊÇÒ ÌêÏ åÊèÓ× ååÊÇÒ ÌêÏ åÊèÓ× ²± à  ÇÐãÑ åÄçäÇÊã ÇäÙäåêÉ º ÇÓå ÇäåÏÑÓÉ ¬ ÇäåÙçÏ ¬ ÊÇÑêΠ ÊÇÑêÎ åÏÉ ÇäåÄçä ÇäÊâÏêÑ   ÇäãäêÉ ¬ Ãè ÇäÌÇåÙÉ  ÇäÇäÊÍÇâ ÇäÊÎÑÌ ÇäÏÑÇÓÉ ÇäÙäåê ÇäÙÇå