Russian School Placement Exams

The Russian School Placement Exams are each a maximum of 1 1/2 hours long. If you are taking the Listening Comprehension Exam, make sure the computer you have chosen has headphones. These are the instructions for taking the exams:

See if the Russian School Exam you are scheduled to take is on the desktop of your computer. The tests are named as follows: 
 russtestgs(m or w): Grammar and Syntax Exam
 russtestrc(m or w): Reading Comprehension Exam
 russtestlc(m or w): contained in a folder called Russian Listening Exam
If the exam is on the desktop, Double-click the exam file and begin.

If the exam is not on the desktop, do the following:


Open Internet Explorer web browser by doing the following:
 On a Mac click on the apple (upper left) and chose:
  Internet > Internet Explorer > Internet Explorer 5.
  On a PC click on Start (lower left) and chose:
  Internet Explorer 5

In the Internet Explorer Address box type the following:
Type in the following for username and password:
username: russian
password: audio
Click on the link to the exam you are currently scheduled to take.

At the DOWNLOAD page, click on the link to the version you need:
If you are on a Mac, chose Download Mac version
If you are on a PC, chose Download Windows version and chose:
 Open this file from this location


The browser will download the exam, uncompress it and put it on the desktop of you computer. When this is completed you should see your exam on the desktop. The tests are named as follows:

 russtestgs(m or w): Grammar and Syntax Exam
 russtestrc(m or w): Reading Comprehension Exam
 russtestlc(m or w): contained in a folder called Russian Listening Exam

Double-click on the exam file and begin the test.


Exam Download

Good Luck!

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