E-Commerce Learning Center

The Bottom Line of Personalization
versus Privacy

Richard M. Smith
Chief Technology Officer
Privacy Foundation
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Open to the public -- 136


Richard M. Smith

Prior to his appointment as chief technology officer at the Privacy Foundation, Mr. Smith was an independent security consultant based in Brookline, Massachusetts, where he currently lives. Prior to being a consultant, he was President of Phar Lap Software, a position he held for more than 13 years. Phar Lap produces real-time operating system and embedded development tools.

For the past 2 years, Mr. Smith has conducted research in privacy and security issues concerning the Internet. Some of the areas that he has investigated include: The use of serial numbers in the Microsoft Windows operating system and application software for purpose of tracking users; Web browser and e-mail reader security holes; how companies monitor people and e-mail using techniques such as web bugs and click-through monitoring links; How Web sites exchange private data using simple Web protocols. Many of the issues that Mr. Smith has looked into have been reported in the computer industry trade press and the mainstream media, including The New York Times, Time Magazine, and The Newshour.

Mr. Smith is a 1973 graduate of North Carolina State University with a BS in Computer Science.

Richard Smith's web site, Advanced Web Programming, covers a variety of subjects on web technologies being developed and used to collect information.

To learn more about Richard Smith and his work:

The :CueCat Bar Code Reader, Privacy Foundation Advisory (9/23/2000)
The Eyes of Richard Smith, PC World (6/15/00)
Computer Sleuth Fights for Privacy, Denver Rocky Mountain News (4/24/00)
Who Do Cops Call? Virus-Busters, Wired News (5/12/00)
The Privacy War of Richard Smith, Business Week (2/14/00)

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NC State University