Middlebury College Web Museum 



Martin Missionary Diary


Sylvia Drake & Charity Bryant Literature Collections


Thursday 20th – today tried to get some cookies to go to que-hung but were unsuccessful as they were at their work and could not leave. I awoke this morning with a headache and diarrhea haven taken cold last evening.

Friday 21st – this afternoon went to Lue-Hung – had a very pleasant walk and ride and saw some very beautiful scenery. Returned home quite early. Eddie’s bowels quite loose this evening so I gave him a dose of Mrs. Sites’ diarrhea medicine.

Saturday 22nd – Eddie not very well, am afraid have to take him to town before my visit is finished unless he gets better. Little Anna Bell has quite a sever cold and cough. The boatman arrived this afternoon, but not in time for Mr. Sites to go to Kang-Chia.

Sunday 23rd – this morning attended preaching here by Ché-m and this afternoon Sabbath school. The remainder of the time spent in reading the bible and “Ladies Repository.” Mr. Sites who went to Kung-Chia this morning early returned be fore dark. Am feeling very sad and depressed in spirits – spent nearly the whole evening alone in my room weeping until I literally “cried myself to sleep.” Mrs. Sites got anxious on account of my absence from the harbor so long and came in to see what was the matter.

Monday 24th – rainy this morning, but as the boat must go down today I took Eddie and came to town – got along very well. Mrs. Sites would have accompanied me to the boat but I insisted on going alone as it was rainy. Arrived at Mr. Gibson’s just before tiffin. Eddie’s bowels still loose but not as bad as they were on Friday.


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