Middlebury College Web Museum 



Martin Missionary Diary


Sylvia Drake & Charity Bryant Literature Collections


Sunday 28th – day before yesterday took Eddie and came to stop with Sister Blain a god sister whose husband Rev J. D. Blain one of the leading preachers here is now absent for two or three weeks in the country for the improvement of his health. Eddie is not at all well today. He had quite a high fever all the forenoon and has diarrhea. He was not very well yesterday and I feel took more cold when I took him out last evening to see the Gibsons at the “International.” Our ride there was rather a profitless one for we did not find them at home and besides Eddie appears to be the worst for it today – We expect to leave next Saturday the 3rd of June on the (Golden City) for our eastern home. May the Lord go with us and keep us all from sickness and accident and bring us in mercy to see our friends in kindred once more. I regret very much that I could not go out to church or Sabbath school but Eddie was not well and I could not leave him…


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