Full transcription:
Bridport June 12 1820
Dear Mother,
I once again have taken up the pen to write on a few lines to you, but with feeling no ways to be coveted, for I have been almost sick the whole day – I watched with June Pratt last night, alone, and she was very sick, (Baby B) went away soon after I got there, and (Lymerus) went after Sally Smith this morning. She will stay a fortnight – Lynda and I (supposed) feels very anxious; tell her we hope she will not have a course the fever although at present she is very sick, Bethy Williams is no better(.) I watched with her last Monday night with aunt (Gurnell?).I went to see Uncle Joseph last wednesday morning, but I have not boarded any where this week my breakfast, dinner and supper are all at different places; Mrs Pratt says I “go about doing good” but such a compliment I by no means deserve, for all the good I do here is not worth mentioning – I (guess) I shall stay at (Dcr Scarts) to night, for I feel at present unable to walk farther; but I hope after I get sleep enough I get will feel better, so do not give yourself any uneasiness about me, for it is only next day after tomorrow and I hope to see home once more – I hear the intended wedding was yesterday and Uriah was not there. I hope he was in better employ – (LETTERB)
I have nothing more to write of any consequence But I hope you all (?) and that cheerfulness that at present denied me; and better health than I feel I enjoyed at this time; I hope that lack of sleep is the cause for I have felt quite unable to teach school this after noon – I wish to morrow was a day of rest for me but no. I must (have) a life of authority as well as usefulness - Do not feel any ways concerned I am not worth a thought
Betsy Miner