Full transcription:
Ever dearest mother, I expect to send these lines to you by Thomas who is boarding here, and I (improve) this opportunity with pleasure to let you hear from me once and again My health is good, as you may suppose I have done all my work ever since Uriah was here (except training today) and have had several boarders mostly all the time – I have about given up seeing Bridport soon, Mr (H, N) has sold both our horses and double wagon; and is it almost impossible for me to leave home even for an afternoon visit much more to be gone all night – I want to see you very much I wish it could be convenient for you to visit us soon – I hear from Bridport considerable often, (Choir, Uriah) Eldridge was here twice to dinner this week you well have probably heard from my by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gravis, the called here a week last Friday – I am in such haste I know not what to write, I have so much to think of, and so much to do, that when night comes sleep is sweet and morning comes too soon. However hard work is nothing, to the pains of the mind, and afflictions of the body inferior to a “heart pierced through with many sorrows” therefore I aught to be thankful for my mind is free. I do not like to be just so situated as I am here, this way of life never agreed with my nature – All I want is a neat comfortable retired situation where I can sit down I peace and “none to make me afraid” – I want to hear from Aunt (Wetherbee’s) folks, how I want Mary here it seems if she was, Whiting would (be/look) very different. I want to see somebody that I can have a free discourse with , (Sabra) Lee, how happy I should be to see her. Give my best love the children Uriah Daniel Fred and Polly, tell them to write to me, how I want to see you all. Sally Sawyer is to be married on Thursday to Frank Baldwin of Bridport. Mrs. Simonds is preparing to go to the wedding no more at present, visit me soon if you can.
Betsy Hayward