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Full transcription:

Whiting Aug 8 1824

My Dear Mother,
One hasty moment I devote to the pen and to you my dear Mother. Not having wrote before since I saw you, I would gladly write particular and length but time does not permit. I will just assure you were are well and enjoyed good health over since I was at home. Nancy has been to her Grandpa Haywards five days until I found her absence insupportable and I went to Weybridge after her but Gpa Hayward and his wife was here last Monday and carried her home with them. I received a visit from (Dea) Drake and his wife a fortnight next Sunday which was an unexpected favor as she is no hand for writing – but mother you do not come yet how ardently devise to see you and some of my Bridport friends. I feel sometimes like that man who said “Ten thousand all around me poor soul all alone” I have no reason to complain with regard to to society here people treat me with very mark of respect much more than I deserve, I had an invitation to Capt Walkers, where several ladies of the finest respectability were invited. Mrs. Simonds went with me – let me hear from you soon if possible Tell the children to write anything what come from Bridport is precious. Much love to all friends. I want to write more but Mr. Hayward is in haste. Mr. Oliver preaches today a large collection here yet shall depend upon having Mary and Polly when you go to Massachusetts.

Betsy Hayward