July 12 continued

The last week was an uncommon hot one, the There reaching 95 the 3 last days in the week & averaging from 71 to 77 2/3 through each day. The week before was warm also no rain for about 3 weeks; though there was a beautiful shower at centre yesterday (while I was at meeting), it scarcely touched this valley, and we are now needing some much. The garden (under Geo’s care) looks beautiful with all kinds of pretty flowers. There is a fountain in the centre, where the water spurts up 8 or 10 feet in the air, sublimely. It has been there about 5 weeks ------
Since last I wrote the lovely month of June past beautifully away, its fleeting days forever gone in the mass of buried ages; It was a rather wet month & some cold days but lovely still, & if July & August do their duty we shall have no cause of complaint. The corn began to tassil [sic] out about a week ago & now pretty much all of it is tassiled [sic]; currants begin to ripen, potatoes are blowing out. We have 2 o r 3 more days of hoeing, & soon shall begin to hay; are hoeing corn over the ----- to day.
We soon expect our brother Horace & his family here from the west. Shall be glad to see them. Once more all of my brothers shall I see together, where is that loved sister. Alas! our circle has been broken in upon since last we met; Oh! much we miss her --- A gentle breeze is blowing upon me, how refreshingly. Oh! beauteous summer may I appreciate thy loveliness