JULY 1848
July 17th 1848

July 17th 1848

Here I have left a blank space fore more than a year intending to have filled it up with thoughts & reminiscences of past & reflections but have neglected it till now. I am 24 years old a year has past & am I on the world any better for my having lived here 24 years & especially the past 12 months. Oh! that I might learn to pursue strongly the path of wisdom, happiness & peace of virtue and usefulness. How swiftly the --- of Times wings bear us on through this changing world. Oh Heavens what a thought – to think of Man – his short life full of varied ---mixed with pleasure & pain joy & sorrow, happiness & misery – changes of friends, by death, ---- Oh if we could but look ahead one short month year & see what was to take place should we not tremble to advance. Bur Man should press with vigor on nor ever suffer lifes [sic] ills to discourage him.. And has not the past year been a happily one to me? Many happy hours there have been & I have no reason to complain but I have had my share of lifes [sic] comforts. The following pages will show the main events of the past year & now let me strive to spend the coming year in a wiser manner than I have the past for man should ever progress













