June 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th

Sat. 12th. 55. 64. 54. Cool. cloudy & some rain. Geo. & I go down to Woodstock. I buy some books vig sp 5 Geological Survey of Vt. & Shakespeare for $3.00. I spent about 50 cts for other things. We had a cold ride, went through Barnard. T.G. bought near 7 rods of 11 inch lead pipe (at 4/6 per rod.) to being water into the garden. We git home by sunset. A.P's father over here.

Sunday 13th. 50. 76. 67. 67. Frio. Attend Mr Ames meeting at E.B. eat supper at Mr Fisks I went to the sing, had a pleasant time

Monday 14th. Cloudy, rain, showers, & Clear We be in to hoe corn

Thurs June 17th 6 o'clock P.M. After having worked in the corn field all day & finished 1 piece (3 1/2 acres) & having eating supper Supper, I now sit down to my journal. Brightly shines the setting sun, upon the fair & smiling earth. The flowers sent forth their fragrance the balmy air is filled with their exhalations. Oh! beautiful, beautiful world! Though art full of heart, & loveliefs. Cannot man enjoy it, & be happy? What is there to hinder. Surely nothing. Tis their own fault who do not on such a lovely, heavenly day, sing gayful as the Lark, & we with their visitors, the sweeter songsters of the grove & trees in showing themselves happy and full