May 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st

May 17th. 1846. 35.83.62 Pleasant & warm We commence planting corn & preparing for it. Tom S. helps & narrows. Rev. Mr Hodges called here------ Can it be that 6 year can brings about such changes as the last 6 have done, 6 years ago my sister was married----- & what a change---- I have been reading her Journal for 1839, how joyous was she then;---- Life is indeed uncertain----- Tis melancholy to think of; what will happen 6 within 6 more years? Alas! who knows but doubtless many changes

Tues. 18th. Cooler. showers of rain; cloudy all day 47.58.49. We plant corn-- our school beings Miss Tucker teachers

Wed 19th. Cloudy & cool 48. 58. 42. manuring & planting corn. Geo. grafts for P. Smith O. Metle is a busy body in the garden among flower beds, or bees, or something; or grafting & helping us some. he drawed out manure A.M. over brand.

Thurs. 20th. Warm again. 40. 82. 57. G. grafts for J. Hanks We plant corn, dug 4 loads in the hills &c.

Friday 21st. 45.79. 61. Cloudy P.M. We take 70 sheep to the new pasture on the Young's place which we had hired for $20. Sange [sic] weathers all. We dug out 6 loads in the hill & plant to corn. E. smith, Ellen, & G. Hatch call in this too & make music. Oh! music! those care dispelling, & soothing sounds! I love thee much.