May 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Sun. 9th 50. 76. 55. A lovely bright, & smiling PA is indeed the merry month of [code[. I have spent that [code] agreeably, happily. I went up to the centre, called on my way at L. Pembers, & H. Smiths. I saw some of my old school ---. I was glad to see them. [code]. Some of them of & like [code] much. I heard Mr. Butler field preach P.M. (a new man) Q.B.L. here eve. I walked up to the orchard with him, Thus the [code] has past pleasantly away.

Mon. 10th. 48. 88. 60. Another pleasant day very. We plow the garden, so onion & deeds. G. plants water-mellon seeds under glasses, we draw out 12 loads of [code] to the piece in the north mead, that was plowed last fall (3/4 acre) 4 or 5 more needed. We [code] music to night. Bons Grave &c, with harp & violin.

Tues. 11th. very warm & pleasant 48. 88. 60 Geo. grafting scions. C & I get out 6 loads of manure A.M. harrowing P.M.

Wed.12. Pleasant cooler. some cloudy & wind. We sow 3 1/2 acre of oats. G. grafting. Emily T.G.P. Ellen, Betsy &c. &c. call in to hear & make music & to visit the garden &c. The harp on which my beloved sister once delighted to play is in full blast; Would that I could again hear Laura play, get our consolation is that she strikes a more angelic note in Heaven & we should not wish her back.----- Would I have appreciated that dear & only sister more while we had her here