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6th, 7th, 8th |
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6th. 30. 80. 53. A lovely, heavenly day. Oh! glorious spring, we bid thee
a hearty welcome.------ Friday 7th Oh glorious may. Thy mules are ravishing, but not as yet are thy mules wafted by breezes waded with the fragrance of of wildwood flowers on the leafy trees. but that times is at hand. hasten the day when these things will be. A lovely day indeed is this. Refreshing breezes blow to sooth us under the hot rays of the Sun. A beautiful evening shuts in upon us pleasant music (to me) is heard from lizards throats, yet melancholy sounds they are; they remind me of other days when with my lamented sister I walked forth in the moonlight nights, to pass a pleasant hour, in with music accompanying us. [code] cheerful home [code] Alas those [code]. 31. 80. 48. Cloudy evening We plant potatoes 3/4 acre below garden & git out 6 loads of manure. W.m Green. & D. Burnham call on us this evening. We [code]&c. W. G. once lived at Alberts We have got some new music viz. Bonaparts Grave & the Boston Melodoen. Nell plays very well on the harp. Sat. 8th. 46. 60. 54. Rainy, rainy, rainy all day. So we can rest from all our toils. Nell dont agree with me. She likes to [code] bust she is a first rate gall.----- The grass looks greener after the rain. which ceases at 3 P.M. There is not much snow to be seen now , only in the coldest places, & deepest drifts. I got down to Bethel & get the papers. Virginia is whig almost