September 5th

Sept 5. 1878

Opening this my old Journal of 31 years ago I see this blank page and will write a few words – 31 years a generation of years – the worlds inhabitants changed. My home changed to Lexington Mass. Father Mother Hoarace and Mary after long times dead. I have a family of wife and 2 children. 24 and 18 ½ years old. Sara & Nell (musicians and precious children both) The old Randolph homestead gone into the hands of strangers. Charles with his family lives when A. J. Morey then lived and when Laura died. Laura C. Paine and her sister ---- are here visiting us in L. ---was in R. 31 years age Williie Paine, son of brother C. is here also he is studying to be a Dr.

W. L. Paine
Randolph Vt –
Sept. 5. 1878
AL – uncle Frank’s in Lexington












