our connection has seem’d like a distant dream, but
soon again former scenes would prep upon me and awaken the tenderness as
sociations, associations are of someone – Forgive the expression Philip,
I have never doubted my own affection and perhaps have never doubted yours
but – I have feared that you were careless of my love and indifferent
to all the world where, Philip, rest my hopes of future happiness if you
have nothing to hope on except yourself for? Forget not, Dear Philip upon
you depends another – anothers hopes perish with yours. You think
I am too free, Philip, but look at my heart and know how well I love you
and you will forgive me for fearing – were you my Brother I would
say to him this delay would fix habits of insolence that must end in ---
rains. But I do and must place perfect confidence in you, Philip, and though
I can’t but often feel your Course shows a want of affections for
me, I will be satisfied with your assurance that you love me. This day,
Philip, begins a New Year – “A happy New Year it must be to
us for we know each others hearts again – if you have felt one half
the wretchedness, the last few weeks that I have you can look upon this,
as I do as one of the happiest New Years of our whole lives, and Oh, may
the return of this evening, succeeding years, find a blessing the hour we
been reconciled, and blest in the devoted attachment of each other.
They have left me alone this winter, Philip – I wish you could see
what a grand housekeeper I make but you must take my word for it and believe
I am an excellent one. We hear often from Mother that her health is constantly
improving. Henry is in a store at Syracuse. Seymour March wrote a about
a month since there was an excellent situation for him there and he went
immediately on. |