Statistics of the Class of 1888

Students express their views on the recent addition of coeducation


"Brown Study"

A Kaleidoscope advertisement for one of the very first all women club at Middlebury


The Tennis Clubs

The 1890 Kaleidoscope was first edition of the yearbook to include a co-ed section of the "Tennis Club"

Class List of 1891

Only two women were in the graduating class of 1891. Both were put at the bottom of the class list despite the alphabetical nature of the list.


Class Officers of 1892

The first year in which women became elected class officers.



Statistics of the classes of 1889 and 1891

Both tables feature male students' view on and preference for "girls."



Soliloquy of A College Widow

A submission to the 1891 Kaleidoscope about a femal college graduate turned widow.