Middlebury College Web Museum 



Martin Missionary Diary


Sylvia Drake & Charity Bryant Literature Collections

Acrostic (Charity Bryant)


Could friendship give what friendship would bestow,
Her worth is each descriptive line would flow,
And all that’s good or graceful I would whow:
Recount those virtues which, tho name they blend,
In her unite and form the perfect friend
To her ascribe each soft and attractive art
Yet artless and sincere her generous heart.

But my pen unequal to the lark,
Resigns its theme, since justice more would ask
Yet in this heart, shall inspired goodness find,
A friend to injustice not to merit blend.
No more, kind heaven, let grief pervade her heart;
To her restore health, happiness and art.

Let this, my dear, till life and friendship end,
Remind thee of they true and faithful friend.

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