"It would no doubt be better to come into the Mediterranean in the autumn than in the spring or summer. There is knowledge no previous objection against coming at any season. Merchants & Travelers come & go whenever they have occasion without regard to the season of the year. At Chnyron[?] particularly you will become aggravated with several families who are much fashionable & gay & fond of amusement & pleasure, who will be very friendly to you. In your intercourse with them you will perhaps have occasion to remember GAl 2.2. At this place you will find your just such society as your soul loves, but you must not expect it elsewhere until God shall be pleased to pour out his spirit, and went on which all our hopes of unselfishness depends, and went for which we cannot pray too often or too earnestly. I need not tell you, my dear Br., what are the qualifications that a missionary needs, but it is never amiss to remind each other of them. We need piety, faith, and benevolence, firmness, and humility, zeal, and prudence, activity and diligence, perseverance and discretion, a pure heart, spiritual views, a spirit of self illumination, love to God and man. May we be furnished more and more for the work before us."
Yours, Pliny Fisk
***The blue section stresses Pliny's devotion and passion for his work and profession as a missionary. This section exemplifies the Christian Soldier and Pliny's attitude during this time of Christian Warfare.