"...for the purpose, where at a few feet distance and in presence of keepers, they move converse. Men in town may send things to those in quarantine but nothing can be sent from quarantine into town except through the Fumigation Office or by being left a considerable time in the Lazarette vessels from some ports are permitted if the crews are healthy to go directly without quarantine into the harbor which lies the other side of Valetta. But from all places where the plague prevails or from places suspected or unknown, vessels must wait from 3 to 40 days. The law at present is that vessels from America shall wait 15 days. The consequence is that we shall proceed after a part of the cargo is put into the Lazaretto, to Smyrna & thus shall be deprived of the privilege of going onto Malta. There is some disappointment----But it is well. We must learn to be disappointed. But I forget that we are on deck examining then scenes around us. We must not forget that we are missionaries and that our business is not so much with ships, walls & forts, hills, rocks, & fields as with men, their opinions, their hearts and their lives. While therefore we look at Valetta we cannot help lamenting that so many thousands though they have priests and churches are still ignorant of real Christianity. We cannot help weeping over their stupidity & ignorance. We will rejoice however that the work of regeneration is beginning. Rev. William Jowett came here from the church Missionary Society in 1815. He visits other places but this is his headquarters. Mr.Wilson from the London Society is now here but intends going to the Jonian Islands. There is a Bible Society here but of all this you will find accounts in the Missionary Register. While we look at the ships about we will mourn that they are so completely filled with ignorance and sin. O if the crews of vessels from Protestant countries were pious what a powerful impression they might make in favor of religion where they trade!---But if you please we will adjourn till tomorrow morning. Good night."
***The blue section stresses Pliny's devotion and passion for his work and profession as a missionary. This section exemplifies the Christian Soldier and Pliny's attitude during this time of Christian Warfare.