It is true the President again reports to us that there is no design of conquest, now. But what is asked, and what is avowed? We are asked to grant large supplies of men and money, that our army may spread over all Mexico, carry the war into her vital parts, take possession of all her cities, divert all her national revenue, and keep her Congress or Government in a constant state of alarm and removal, allowing it not resting place. Her army is already destroyed, and her capital taken. Now, sir, I ask, is not this conquest? Is not this the utter annihilation of that Government, so as to leave none with which a treaty of peace, or any other treaty, can be formed? As well might you tell me you have no intention to kill a man, but only desire to fire five balls and run a few bayonets through his vital parts, to induce him to enter upon terms of peace and friendship with you, as a good neighbor. --Mr. Collamer, Vermont Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatitves, February 1, 1848 |