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Original Version

Believing ourselves to be bound by the precepts of the gospel to promote the cause of Christian Benevolence as we are able, both by labouring with our hands and contributing of our substance as the Lord prospers us, and that this good work may be the better advanced by uniting our exertions and acting in concert, we whose names are annexed, do for this purpose associate ourselves, & adopt as our bond of union and rule of procedure the following –


Art. 1st:  The Association shall be denominated the Weybridge Female Benevolent Society.

Art. 2nd: The object of the Society shall be by united efforts, either by labouring with their hands, or by contributing a portion of the good things which the Lord has given them, to raise funds to appropriate to the cause of Christian Benevolence.  And any female residing in Weybridge or its Vicinity may be a member of this society by subscribing to this Constitution, and contributing yearly – or oftener if she pleases, in labour or otherwise, any sum which she may think herself able, towards its funds.

Art. 3rd: The Society shall hold its annual meeting on the first Thursday in September, at which time three Directresses shall be chosen to take the particular oversight of the concerns of the Society for the succeeding year.   One of these shall be chosen Treasurer of the Society, whose duty it shall be to take charge of whatever is contributed towards its funds, and with the assistance of the other two to convert into money or to the best advantage, as soon as may be, whatever is contributed in any other article; and she shall pay over the funds that may be in the Treasury to such objects, and at such times as the Society may direct.  The Treasurer may call a meeting of the Directresses whenever she deems it necessary, and the Directresses may call a meeting of the Society to work together, or to confer on the interests of the Society as often as they shall think expedient.  The Treasurer shall also keep a book, from which it may appear what contributions have been made to the funds of the Society, and by whom; and what sum has been raised from avails of work done by the Society collectively, and also what monies have been paid for the Treasury and to whom; and shall make report at each annual meeting.  A Secretary shall also be chosen at this meeting, whose duty it shall be to keep a list of the names of the Officers of the Society.  To keep a record of all votes of the Society, appropriating money and to keep all other records that may be found necessary.  The Secretary shall also credit the accounts of the Treasurer previous to each annual meeting. 

Art. 4th: It shall be the duty of each member of the Society to obtain as far as she is able, such work as the Society can conveniently do, and to labour by all proper and laudable means to increase its funds, and by a vote of the Society it shall be determined at each annual meeting, to what object, or objects the funds shall be appropriated the next succeeding year, allowing for any exigence which may take the place which may render it expedient to change the vote, which may be done by a majority of the members. 

Art. 5th:  This constitution may be altered at any annual meeting of the Society whenever a majority of the members may wish it. 

Charity Bryant

Sylvia Drake

Brunette Lathrop

Philena Wheelock

Sarah Hagar

Hannah Hagar

Philomelia B. Wood

Polly Hayward

Laura Ripley

Elizabeth Ripley

Annis Shaw

Dorcas Cotton

Amila Lyman

Eunice Bowdish

Mary L.B. Lake

Rebekah Drake

Polly B. Hurd

Laura Hayward

Lucy Jewett

Ruth Bowdish

Christiania Lathrop

Louisa Drake

Sylvia L. Drake

Sarah Brewster

Lucinda Brewster

Mary W. Brewster

Harriet B. Drake

Martha Kellogg

Emma Hayward

Arrabell Sampson

Mary P. Lathrop

Harriet Lane

Prudence James

Mary C. James

Orpha Landon

Eliza Jewett

Philena Ripley

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