Sheldon Project Links:

(written in cursive with red ink, a continuation of Article 2):

Sec. 3- Honorary members may be elected by a
unanimous vote at any regular meeting
of the Club.
Sec. 4- Any member desiring to withdraw from
the Club shall offer his resignation in writing
at a regular meeting, and such resignation
may be accepted if the member be not in arrears.
Sec. 5- Any member who shall make himself obnox-
ious or be guilty of disreputable conduct, or
violate any of the rules and regulations of
the club, may be by a two third vote at any reg-
ular meeting be expelled, suspended, repriman-
ded, or fined.
Article Third
Sec.1 Officers
The Officers of this Club shall consist
Of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and
a Board of three Directors, who shall be
elected on the first Monday of March
in each year, and shall hold their office
for one year or until their successors are
respectively elected.
Sec. 2 Each "officer" shall be elected by ballot
Separately, and must receive a majority
Of all the votes casts


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