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Fort Stevens DC
January 17th 1864

Dear Lorette,

I received yours of the 11th (..) yesterday and will try and write a few lines in reply, although I don't feel much like it this evening, I am truly sorry to hear of your uncle Nelson sickening, and hope he will recover, I would like to see him. I hope that "Grand Master" will not call him from "labor in earth" just yet. I knew of no reason why (…) could not come into this, it is not full yet, but we expect it will be this week and perhaps he will get in after all. You take a different view of my being a soldier for life than I thought you would, you talk as though I could never see Shoreham again if I was a soldier. Yes I believe I have friends in Vt. My mother, and sister, live there, and I knew they are, but I have doubted weather I had any others even in Shoreham, but if I had one as you say you think I have I am very glad and will surely go and see him (or her) when I get there so this is no way for me to find out what that "dream once" except to go there why wouldn't you or Julia tell me when I was there. Will you promise to tell me all about it and to answer me one other question only if I will come than this winter: did you say yes? I am glad we found out that I am engaged as I knew nothing about it before, I believe this is not the first time that such a thing has happened without my knowledge, will you tell me when you got your news: I do not care very much about it no one need[s] to be ashamed to be engaged to her by perhaps she would not like it very well if she knew this was such a report. I (assure…) you that I shall not be engaged for some little time yet, not tell I go to let anyway. The weather has been quite cold here for some time but is a little warmer nowadays, the principal business is to (desill) the new recruits. There is no news here that would particularly interest you, quite a number of comingsins. Have lately been received in this segt. Among other I received one as first lieut. Am going to the city to be mustered tomorrow. Now if you were there I would stay in the evening and visit you perhaps. The major is well as usual, so is Walter, and nearly all the old Boys, the recruits many of them have the measles. My nephew has got them. I am glad you have a new minister, hope he is better than the one that was there when we left. Thank you for "the kiss" and here are lots in return. I suppose that is the only way you will let me kiss you know as I cannot spare my moustache.
Remember to all the good people and for yourself accept the
Love of,

Write soon please


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