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Howe-Wolcott Correspondence #3 1865-1888 (265) MS File
865 463


George G. Howe, Middlebury, to Lorette E. Wolcott, Shoreham

Middlebury, Vermont
August 13th 1865

Dear Lorette,

As it is ___ a long day to me, thought I would do no particular harm to write a few lines to you. I have been at home all day, made out a memorandum of past of the things I shall want to commence housekeeping, rec [?], I mean shop keeping with. As I intend to start tomorrow morning to get them. This afternoon have been looking over my old letters and burning some of them, burned about ninety. It seemed rather hard but there were too many of them. Some of L.E.W. were burned however, as there are none too many of those.
Isn't it a splendid day? You have been to Church all day I suppose, haven't you? Would like to be out there tonight. I dreamed of you last night "nothing remarkable in that" you will say.
What are you doing? Not playing Euchre are you? Has Levi gone sparking tonight? Hope he will have a good time if he has.
Do the flies bite any out there? They do here like ___.
I am in hopes to get out to Shoreham Thursday or Friday and do not know as I shall be able to.
I intend to have left a picture with you for Julia, as you had promised her one, but came off in such a hurry that I forgot it. Will give you your choice when I see you again.
Good night Darling.
Ever Your

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