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The Starr Hall History

"Starr Hall completes the Old Stone Row and is almost a twin of Painter Hall. It was built in 1861 by the generosity of Peter Starr, trustee, and his sons. It burned in 1864, and was rebuilt the next year. Starr replaced the old East College as a dormitory. Repeatedly remodeled, it now houses 68 students".(http://community.middlebury.edu


Before Starr Hall was built, the only residential building for the students had been Painer Hall, and Nearly 40% of the student body had to live off campus because of shortage of rooms. In order to remain a residential college, Middlebury had to build a new dormitory. Hencein August 1859, under the presidency of Labaree, the board voted the start of an aggressive campaign for raising $15,000 for the new dorms. The Starr family decided to provide most of the funds.

After only two years, in 1861, between April and August, Starr Hall was constructed, just in time for the start of the school year (see the first paragraph underneeth for a description of Starr)

Thus, In Spring 1861 enrollment exceeded 100 students, a new dormitory was being built, and the financial outlook of the college seemed prosperous. Unfortunately, war was about to break.

(Stameshikin, pages 150-151)

(David Stameshikin, The Town's College: Middlebury College, 1800-1915, pages 151 and 207)

The Starr family (Peter, Charles and Egbert) was one of the most supportive fans of Middlebury College. Peter Starr (the father) had been an attorney in Middlebury since 1805, and between 1811 and 1819 he served as secretary to the college corporation. He was ellected in the board in 1819. His two sons, Charles and Egbert were in the business of "wholesale clothing and dry goods" and made fortunes in New York. They became important sponsors later on. In 1860 Peter Starr died, and it's assumed that the family donated most of the funds for Starr library as a memorial in his onor. (Stameshikin, pages 150-151)

According to Stameshkin they gave more than $300,000 before 1900 (which is a huge sum considering the period). Besides Starr hall, they also gave most of the funds for the Starr library. They were all trustees of enormous importance for Middlebury.

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