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Fort Stevens D.C. 864103
Jan. 3d 1864

Dear Lorette,

I received yours of the 28th Dec yesterday, and I assume you was very glad to hear from you again, I don't remember how I was that evening, but tonight my lips are so sore that they feel quite Smart. So you think that the girls will have to enlist do you? Yes I would like to see a Regt of the, let me know a few days before you enlist will you? So you do go to Church occasionally do you? Who preaches to the good people of Shoreham now? I thought that nearly if not quite all of the miserable Sinners left them about the time Battery [B] of the eleventh did

and that there would be no need of any minister. I conclude you are about as pious as ever cracking walnuts Sunday and "picking out meats for Soldiers" however I will not scold about that for fear you will tell **** to give them to Some one else and there I would have no chance to get choked, I have no objection to "thinking of the one that sent them" (if its you) as often as I get choked, but I don't want to get choked as often as I think of her. I don't know anything about Signs and pins are as good as anything. So they remind us of the [giver]. No I do not think we will have to stay two years longer without we enlist over because over time is not in a year and eight months, but I do not believe the war will

be ended even then, I have nearly come to the conclusion that I shall be a soldier for life, it agrees with me better than to be shut up in a shop, I am sorry Julia is Sick is she in Shoreham? Yes, we (or at least I) had a good time when we went to visit her school, when is Julia going to tell me that dream about you wont tell me? "O please do"
Of course I will not insist on your answering the question in [my last], especially as you say that you "have told me more than once, and that I know without your writing it" I know that your old answers were very much different from the ones I would have liked, but I presume you thought as you said, and there is no use in trying to get you to give any others. So will drop it where it is. Christmas I was officer of the

day, had a nice Chicken Pie for dinner, New Years day I went to the City with Lieut. Lewis, went to the Theatre in the afternoon, and to Lodge meeting in the evening, got back to Fort Stevens about half past one. Some tired and almost froze, it was very cold. Yes I suppose you are 21 now, do you feel any different? as for doing as you are a mind to I thought you always did that. I congratulate you on your independence, you are not grown so great so great that I could not see you if I should happen up there one of these days have you?

There is nothing particular to write about, as there is hardly ever anything new here, the Major is well as usual.
Remember me to Mrs [Keefe] and Julia and all the good people of old S and write soon to

your old friend and brother
good night George

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