Correspondence #1 1861-1863 265 MS file
Shoreham Jan 7th 186[2]
Dear George,
Being all alone just now, I will have a little chat with one of my soldier
friends. I received your letter last eve; was glad to here (sic) from
you once more; glad to here (sic) you are well and enjoying yourself as
well as can be expected. We are all well. I am improving every day, am
getting as fat as a pig, but am not very strong yet, so I did not ___
out/as Christmas we invited Mr. Holl's folks over to ___ and they invited
us over there New Years. It is such going no one can go any where. We
have had no snow yet of any account. I wish you had been here Christmas;
we had Oysters(?) and Chicken. I had an other letter from ____ last week.
He says he had rather be in Shoreham than down South if __ make him stay
in the house evenings. He sent me the picture of his girl Marrion(?) Coard(?)
is her name.
Well George it is rather lonesome here. Mr. Newson(?) folks are all over
the ___ ___ has moved over there but G__ and her mother are going to stay(?)
here this winter then are a coming back in a few days. I don't know what
I should do if G__ should go away. I should __ have only one ___ with
me then. Mrs? Holl brought me home 7? pieces of music we have tried to
learn them but we have come to the conclusion that we cannot learn them
without you so they are put (one??) side until your return. We often wish
you was here to sing with us. We use to have such good times singing together.
It is to bad we cant now.
George don't you miss poor Charlie. How sudden his death was little I
thought I never should see him again when I bid him good-bye down at your
___. He was so young his Parents mourns his loss very much. He was a good
boy but we hope he is better off. He died in a good cause, he will not
be forgotten. I fear there will be a great many more Soldier losses(?)
than there now is but we hope for the best. The works of God are wonderful.
George you are very kind to send me the ___ you had better have them send
it to your___ how do you ever expect to get your pay for all your ___
to me. Pa says he cannot go down there now. He cannot spare the money
I wish he would go he never would be sorry(?) I wish I could go again
I ____ stay not half long enough
G__ and I called on C__ the other night. The first time we have been
up there since they had them. They wanted to know if I had heard from
you lately and wished to know where you were how is it don't you and C__
correspond now it cant be you have ___ can it - how can you get along
without your Darling C___ (now don't be mad). Well I must close Ok George.
There is to be a Dance here at Mr. Desseings the 21st of this month. Wont
you come? I will send you a Ticket show it to Walter tell him I wish he
was here I would like to Dance with him.
No more this time from your dear friend Le-