Howe-Wolcott Correspondence #1 1861-1863 (265) MS File Lorette E. Wolcott, Shoreham, to George Howe, Middlebury Friend George, Being at leisure just now I will drop a line to you, how surely it is that George, I have got me a new jacket - and I want to have it pinked and
I know of no one but you that can pink it for me so I shall be obliged
to ask you if you will [please] to bring your pinking iron out here when
you come if you will pink it for me I will pay you for your trouble. I
received another paper from you last night. You are real good George to
send them to me wish I had some to send to you but as I haven't - you
will please to except my thanks. I t is very still here as usual. I suppose
you like staying in Middlebury better than here well I don't blame you
very much. I wish I was somewhere else beside here I have no news to tell
you only that Clemence your Darling Clemence goes to school to the Academy
if you believe it. Well I end with any more don't forget the pinking iron
when you come out will you [____ ___] don't forget.