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Howe_Wolcott Correspondence #3 1865-1888 (265) MS file

George G. Howe, Middlebury to Lorette E. Wolcott, Shoreham

Camp near Patrick Station VA, March 5, 1865

Dear Lorette,

I was very much disappointed this morning when the mail came in and brought no letter for me but suppose it is alright or will be one of these days. If I have felt about as mean for the last week as possible still have had to work on muster balls have done nothing outdoors as the doctor told me to stay in the house am a great deal better now though. The regiments is here now paying our [?] has been paying the book am in this evening of course they pay Sundays don't they do everything Sunday in the army? It is now nearly nine oclock and if I had not told you would not write to you even if I had to steal time should not had written tonight. Everything appears to go on in the same style as usual here it rained the greater part of last week has been very pleasant today my capt. left here last Thursday on leave of absence for twenty-one days he is going up the Shenandoah Valley to get the body of his brother (who was killed at the battle of Cedar Creek Oct. 19) and take it home and then he will go and see his (the Capts.) girl I suppose he told me he should anyway. Well my dear who do you scold at now? Not at your little beau I hope honestly now, do your eyes get sparkly at him? Wish I was up there tonight it is so confounded lonely here, the other night I was scratching away on some nails when a band struck up "Oft in the stilly night" and it made me homesick that I had to quick work until they stopped playing before then but no matter about that now. Do you hear anything more about Clemence's beau by the way, when I got back from that I heard that "Lorette has got a new beau he is a clerk in Atwood's store" you may perhaps imagine how shocked I was to hear such news. I suppose there is a little snow up there yes won't it be nice when it thaws you will have to put on somebody's boats then if you go out if you wear rubbers you must not lose them off when you cross the road. Walter is well as usual he is on picket today the gal is alright. How are all the good people of Shoreham? Any of them married yet & by the way about that bet on Orson [?] are you mass ready to pay you see I am getting very anxious about it? How is Hattie and my Barnum [?] ask Ness if she ever misses Henry in her hair tell her it is splendid and it don't take a great deal one teaspoonful is enough for a small family for a good while. There is nothing worth telling and as it is getting late will stop, hold on there they just fired about a dozen guns on picket. Can hear the Rebs yell yes there are some deserters coming in. Remember me to all.
Goodnight Darling
Lots of Love & Kisses
From George

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