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Howe-Wolcott Correspondence #1 1861-1863
Fort Stevens
April 19th. 1863

Dear Sister,
Yours of the 12th is received, and I take the first chance I have to answer. I did begging to think that you had got sick of writing to me, and that you had not received the last one I wrote, your excuse is a good one, and "its all right", we are having splendid weather here, as warm as June is hot, the frogs are making a great deal of noise tonight, having a encert of presence. We are all as usual, nothing new except that the name of our Fort has been changed from Massachusetts to Stevens. We practiced firing with the _____ in the fort yesterday. We are to practice Tuesdays, and Saturdays, hereafter. The capt is well, and by the way he told me a few days ago "the next time you write a letter tell her if she don't make that old Father of hers write to me I will spank her". So you must look out, Yes I am glad it is coming warm weather perhaps though it will be too warm here, I should like to be in Old Shoreham when the sand gets dry, up just long enough to see how things look. Yes I know Mrs. Flower was marries, Clarence told me. Yes, she writes to me occasionally, and of course I answer as is duty bound, and as you say she writes very good letters (so does my sister)(the on in Middlebury) but is that any reason why I should not prize your letters as much as even Lorette. Do you believe I am so lost to all sense of honor as to even try to deceive you? Did I even when I was there? And if so do you think I would now you are my sister! So I have never to any knowledge, done you a wrong in thought, a word, a deal and never will. As I have told you many times, I will tell you again I love you better than any one else in the world, I do not expect you do me, do not even hope for it (As I was once foolish enough to do(but I do not want you to think that I am so mean as to tell you anything that is not true. I do care to hear from you more than any one else except my mother. Will you write, it is half past ten and I must stop. Ask Hall is Georgie can beat our father and believe _______________.
Friend and Brother George



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