Then there is the _____ gallery – with Titians Guido Renis - ____ and Rembrandts – and many other things to recommend Edinboro – but mostly the life of the gay street and the beautiful shops. We all feel and affections for the Scotch which we do not expect to duplicate in our travels. They are polite and ______ and good looking not withstanding their big feet.
I have also become very much attached to all our party except one or two and feel that I could not have picked out nicer traveling companions.
From Edinburg we went by train and coach to Windemere passing thro’ the English Lake region. We saw Wordsworth’s cottage and his stone seat: also _____’s cottage. The scenery is picturesque and the fields and ____ roads trees and houses all much nearer perfection than our own I must admit. It is hard to see where an improvement can be made[.] Every little house had its little flower beds around its door and all now in bloom. and the wild flowers – heather bluebells tc are every where in view.

Of course I cannot tell you in a letter much what I see, but just try to outline it a bit- I only mentioned Stirling Castle for instance but could describe it for hours. Dr. ______ says that the view from it is as fine as there is in all Britain. It is unquestionably the finest we have seen. We saw here the ______ where the king killed Douglas and the stone dungeon he dragged him into before throwing him from the window[.] Also the church w[h]ere Mary was crowned tc tc. One beautiful spot in the Castle is the Douglas Garden. It is very small + a mere bit of [PICTURE] grass and flower beds surrounded by
a high wall – Half way up the wall is a stone shelf for a walk – From this you see down sheer 2 or 3 hundred feet while off to the horizon in four directions stretched the finest view in Scotland. At one end of the garden is a group of large black tree and the whole is like a stage scene – just the place you think to yourself for a ______ to pace and plot and think.

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