Travel Diary of Mrs. R.P. Eaton:
Europe, Egypt, and Palestine, ca. 1857

Click to view higher resolution image still flows the temples of Diana, Mercury and Venus; the Piscina Mirabilis, are immense stone reservoir fed by the Julian Aqueduct, and designed to supply the Roman fleet; and the Prisons of Nero, containing dark underground dungeons which we entered with lights. The greatness and even grandeur of all these ruins indicate the magnificence and splendor that one rested upon these beautiful hills overlooking the sea. But the gay and tumultuous life of the past is succeeded by a dreary and almost silent desolation.
The steamer Alexandria was ready to depart, and we hastened on board. In a little less than four days more on the restless Mediterranean, we came in sight of the towers and minarets of the city founded by the great world conqueror. As we came to anchor in the harbor, what thrilling emotions were awakened in view of our propensity – to the ancient and historic land of the pharaohs, the banks of the mysterious Nile, and the shadows of the majestic Pyramids!


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