Travel Diary of Mrs. R.P. Eaton:
Europe, Egypt, and Palestine, ca. 1857

Click to view higher resolution image Joseph ruled as princely Viceroy. He had a home, perhaps at, on, or Heliopolis, just over there on the borders of Goshen, the land that was subsequently given to his father and his
brethren. They grew up in Egypt, a strong and mighty people; but under kings that knew not Joseph. They were sorely oppressed, being compelled to make hick, just as
I have seen menials making brick new, of the mud of the river mingled with straw. Here the voice of God was heard speaking to Moses and Pharaohs, for the deliverance
of his captive people. Here the succession of mighty miracles was wrought, which confounded the pods of Egypt, and at length like the power of the oppressor. Here the angel of death passed over the blood-sprinkled doors of the dwellings of the children of Israel, but entered those of the Egyptians, and laid prostrate and lifeless the first-born in my house. Here was the most wonderful moment the world ever saw – the great exodus and march to the Red Sea through the long wilderness, to the promised Canaan. Here, in after years, Jeremiah prophesied and wept. And at length a fugitive family came hither, Joseph and Mary, from Judea, bringing the Holy Child, born in Bethlehem, but whose life the wicked Herod sought.
What great events have transpired here! What remarkable personages have lived here, here looked on yonder Mokattam hills, here walked on the banks of this river, and
have gone to rest in these tombs of rock and sand!-- It is certainly interesting to be floating on such a river as the Nile, often alluded to in the Bible, once miraculously turned to blood, and in whose rally, and along whose banks, in long ages past, transpired events so stupendous and astonishing, flowing down from hidden fountains and snowy summits far away in the unknown regions of Central Africa, its waters roll by day, and murmur in the moonlight, the same and when they reflected this glory of the Pharaohs more than three thousand years ago.
Egypt had a history, granted and thrilling, before books or parchments, or written languages were known.


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