Travel Diary of Mrs. R.P. Eaton:
Europe, Egypt, and Palestine, ca. 1857

Click to view higher resolution image And now, with thankfullest heart, I stand
Where Jesus so often stood;
I see the same stream, and rock, and land;
The same sweet Tabor, and Hermon grand,
And look on the same bright flood-
Tiberian Sea,
So clear to me,
Because my Saviour saw these and thee!

My feet have pressed the old path He trod,
And crossed over the same clear rills;
I have set me down on the grassy sod,
Where rested the weary son of God,
Who bore our sorrows and ills.
In the stake,
Gennesareth Lake,
Unbounded delight for His dear sake!

Nazareth’s valley and hills are fair,
And lovely is Bethlehem;
Wound Olivet’s scenes their glories share,
In the Garden shade and Bethany there,
With precious Jerusalem!
But dearest Sea
Of Galilee.
How the life of my Lord is linked with thee!

No crouds along thy thoroughfares pour;
Silence and ruin are here to-day;
White sails are seen on thy waves no more;
The cities that flourished upon thy shore
Have passed in their guilt away:
But thou art yet
A picture unchanged in thy hill frame set!



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