Travel Diary of Mrs. R.P. Eaton:
Europe, Egypt, and Palestine, ca. 1857





A few of us had arranged for an early walk to that sacred mount.

Near an old dilapidated stone building, evidently once the lover of a vineyard, we paused to rest and look back upon the city. Alone and the sweet stillness of the morning about us, at the suggestion of Mrs. J.E. Tayler, of Louisville, whose interest with that of her
husband in those several places was always deep and tender, Ren, William Howe of Boston, led us in prayer, as we kneeled upon the slope where Jesus had often kneeled, and spent even whole nights in prayer.

O Sacred Olivet! The whole mount is instinct with memories of Jesus. How often his eyes looked upon it, He is feet pressed it. He tread these paths as He went over it to the sweet home of His friends. Here He came for seclusion and rest. “In the day-
time He was teaching in the temple, and at night – He went out and abode in the mount that is called the Mount of Olives.” Here how many times the sun went down beneath this gaze, and the leaves rustled in the syphers that banned His holy Lion. Here, in some shady retreat on that olive garden with His, few edifices, seated about Him, how often He spoke to them words of heavenly wisdom and power. What sermons and parables were here altered by the Divine Man! Here He taught, and prayed, and wept.

The scenes of the Agony and Betrayal was here; and just over this summit where He ascended to heaven. His feet for the last time touched the earth. O what a privilege to trace His path - Ways here – to kneel where he knelt and suffered – to think of His tears and His triumph – and best of all, to share His love!

As we return, the sacred city lies before us in the snowing night like a picture set in a frame of mountains that are round about Jerusalem, as the Lord is around about His people.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchere, a very long edifice, covers both Calvary and the Tomb. - -- Of all holy places in Jerusalem, or on the earth the spot where Jesus was crucified, and the tomb in which they was hurried, if certain of their identity
must be regarded with the deepest interest ----
O Calvary! There is no spot like thee – no mountaintop so near Heaven as thy summit! Thou art indeed the center of the world.




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