American Studies Web Museum
Crane Diaries May 15, 1916
Monday May 15th 1916 Was to have gone to Jouey (25) with Sewall (26) today, but, as Perry told me last night the old finds must be humored, and Stanton and Whits, having expressed a desire to go ----- have gone. I wish them luck. It’s rotten weather. I kept bureau all morning where the work was not heavy consisting of two calls. Spent most of the time sorting out pictures and films and writing Ellen. Mail arrived, nothing for me! This is not at all an unusual event. In the afternoon Hansen and I piled into Forbes’ car and visited “Les Banis” (27) where after a wild ride down the hill with Forbes at the wheel, we had a glorious bath, after which Hansen and I went to the tea shop and had some refreshments. He is really a most congenial boy, and seems very easy to get on with. Returned to Casenne (28) we found only 5 or 6 who had not gone to town for dinner, Rantoul has been missing since Saturday night. After I had gotten to bed, the revelers began dribbling in, but no Rantoul.