Children's Handwritten Letters


Letter written to brother Leicester from sister Carol on April 23, 1921


April 23, 1921

Dear Les! –

You said you
would write to me and
you haven’t done
it yet did Dor give
you some shells?
Daddy brought a serch
light for me and
when it came in
the [truck] it was
broken and we
couldn’t get it
fixed [Mari Louise] was


about a colored
girl that was
here that used
to rock the house
when she would
write to me
Much Love,




Letter written to her Mother from daughter Carol on April 23, 1921


April 23, 1921

Dear Mother’s,

I just took a pitcher
of Daddy all by myself
I sure am glad I have that
khaki dress. We went in swimming
Yesterday and are going in
agian today. Daddy got
a pitcher of Grandpa
when he was going over
to his room with this
grapefruit and he doesn’t
know it.
I can hardly wait to
get home and get
my little kitten
it has only stoped blowing
two days since weve been here
here they say it is
the longest blow they

have ever had on
the island.

Much Love,







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