Cousin Elizabeth staid in Troy on her return from Saturday until Monday – then went on with her husband and sister Emma to Sandy – Hill – Emma has not yet returned, but we expect her very soon. I feel as if I should enjoy her society more than ever – religion does indeed refine and elevate hour human nature it adds to it a charm far lovelier than anything which this world can boast. It is well for me that those with whom I most associate are professed followers of Christ – for how much we are influenced by the example of others. I hope that now I shall hear from you rather oftener than I have done – I do intend to neglect my own duty in this respect as much as I have done heretofore. A great deal depends upon habit. I know when I let alone writing letters for any considerable length of time, that is a task for me to write a letter. I found when I open my trunk that my hairs were fully ripened. Some of them had in part gone to decay, tho they did not injure my clothes that I have perceived – they taste most delicious I can assure you. Aunt Lincoln wishes me to give her best respects to you and mother and say that she was disappointed in not being able to make you a visit and that she felt as though she had not half made her visit in Con. Because she had not been there. I have just attended evening prayers = we are to have them regularly at ten o’clock. It is so late I must bid you a good night. I hope to hear from some of you very soon – Your ever affectionate daughter,

Mary Treat

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