Your Letters, my dear Father, are always received with emotions of gratitude
and delight – and though they are not always answered when nor as they
should be, doo not think it is from the want of those good feelings which
ought to prompt me to acknowledge my gratitude and affection by a speedy answer.
Our school is now very large, and as it increases, the cares and duties of
the teachers are consequently multiplied. My time is pretty much taken up
in teaching from morning till night, so that I really have scarcely a moment
to myself – but I am ashamed to begin every letter I write with saying,
I have had no time to write before, but you see that such is the case. If
I could sit down and write to you every thought that comes into my mind concerning
you and the rest of my dear friends, neither you nor they would have any doubts
respecting my love for you – I can truly say with my dear Father, That
as long as my heart is susceptible you all shall have a share in my affections.”
Last Sunday I meant to have written to you, even if it were Sunday, for my
mind was full of you, that day was an interesting one to me – it was
then that I for the first time participated in partaking of the Sacrament
of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was indeed a solemn occasion,
and a time long to be