

This Dime Novel depicts the life of individuals living amongst outlaws. The story jumps around occasionally but there are four main characters: Dell Tracy, Seth Squash, Tillie Pendleton, and Neal Marsden. The story begins when Dell Tracy carelessly rides through the Haunted Pass and is taken prisoner by outlaws led by outlaw-chief Dash Weston. Tracy is blindfolded and taken to the outlaw’s pad where he meets old foe Dash Weston. Tracy holds his own by defending himself and delivering two blows to oncoming outlaws before he is restrained and taken into a side apartment connecting to the outlaw pad. Fortunately, Seth Squash, a Yankee who is in the business of hunting outlaws, sees Dell Tracy taken captive and follows their course.


Meanwhile, the readers are introduced to Tillie Pendleton and Neal Marsden. Tillie Pendleton lives with her father and save’s Neal’s life from the outlaw – chief Dash Weston. Tillie in not only very attractive, but she also knows how to wield a rifle. She looks completely natural holding the gun and moreover is an expert marksman as she can merely injure Dash Weston at will with her skill. Through Tillie Pendleton and her father, the readers are able to learn more about the arrival and rise to power of the outlaws and especially Dash Weston. To Neal and Tillie’s astonishment, Dash Weston is actually Tillie’s cousin.


The story concludes with Dell Tracy attempting to escape from the outlaw pad. Tracy helps free another captive who is a pretty young girl. However, as Tracy just leaves the outlaw pad he is met by five outlaws. Luckily, Seth Squash arrives on scene and helps free Tracy and the young girl captive.




Role of Females

Tillie Pendleton is an interesting character. In most stories at this time the females play a role of house wife and waiting on the males of the house. However, Tillie is depicted as a rough and tough woman who can certainly handle her own in the Wild West. Her skills with a rifle and courage show she is more than a house wife and helps relieve this perception of a completely male dominated community.



Outlaws and crime are very evident in this Dime Novel. At this time there appears to be no form of authority so the outlaws truly run the town. Often outlaws hold up citizens at gun point and rob them. However, the outlaws are organized and seem to have a sense of hierarchy with a leader such as Dash Weston. It is important to acknowledge characters such as Seth Squash who has devoted his career to hunting outlaws and collecting rewards for it.