Published English Translations
Mirra Ginsburg (Grove Press, 1967) Ginsburg's translation is lively
and entertaining, but it was unfortunately made from the 1967 Soviet text
without the advantage of the censored sections. As a result, it mirrors
the censored version, including deletion of passages about the actions of
the secret police and most of Nikanor Ivanovich's dream (Ch. 15).
Michael Glenny (Harper & Row, 1967) Glenny's translation restores
the passages that were missing from Ginsburg's. Both translations were done
so quickly after publication of the Russian original that they lack much
critical depth. Both, for example, miss the crucial inclusion of the Devil
in Berlioz's thought: "It's time to throw everything to the Devil and
go to Kislovodsk." Ginsburg has "drop everything" and Glenny
"chuck everything up."
Diana Burgin & Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (Ardis, 1995) Burgin
and O'Connor's translation is by far the best, if one is interested in studying
what Bulgakov really wrote. They have the advantage of some 30 years of
Bulgakov scholarship, which they take into consideration in their translation,
which gets details right. The notes, provided by the Bulgakov scholar Ellendea
Proffer, are also invaluable.
Richard Pevear (Penguin, 1997) There appears to be a new translation
by Richard Pevear, but I have not yet seen it.