Styopa (Stepan Bogdanovich) Likhodeyev
The Director of the Variety Theater. Likhodeyev's last name comes from
an archaic form meaning roughly "Evildoer."
In the 1929 version, Likhodeev was named Garusia Pedulaev, and his prototype
was an acquaintance of Bulgakov's from Vladikavkaz, Tuadzhin Peizulaev (Bulgakov's
co-author on the play "Sons of the Mullah"). Woland sent Pedulaev
not to Yalta, but to Vladikavkaz, where Bulgakov had lived 1919-21. In later
editions Pedulaev's name was changed to Stepa Bombeev or Likhodeev, but
it was only in the 1937 edition that he was sent to Yalta. Likhodeev retains
a trace of the earlier location in Chapter 27, when he returns in a Caucasian
fur cap.
The motif of hangovers, memory loss, and port-wine was rehearsed by Bulgakov
in his earlier feuilletons "The Cup of Life" [Chasha zhizni]
(Nakanune, 1922) and "Day of Our Life" [Den' nashei zhizni] (Nakanune,
1923). Likhodeev's worry about the seal on Berlioz's door and a "questionable
conversation" that had taken place on 24 April may be related to the
fate of an actor acquaintance of Bulgakov's, Nikolai Vasil'evich Bezekirsii.
Bezekirskii was arrested and exiled to Ryazan' for three years for "a
counterrevolutionary conversation in a certain house I often visited."
Bulgakov received a letter from Bezekirskii about this situation in April,
1929. (S 453)