Baron Maigel
Maigel has several prototypes. The former baron Boris Sergeevich Shteiger
worked in the 20s and 30s in Moscow at Narkompros [People's Commissariat
for Enlightenment] and simultaneously as an agent of the NKVD. In 1937 he
was arrested and shot in connection with the case of Enukidze, a former
Central Committee member in charge of theaters. Shteiger is mentioned several
times in the diary of Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova. He was often found at US
Embassy functions and reported on foreigners connected with the theater.
Shteiger was at Bullitt's embassy reception that became the basis for Satan's
Grand Ball, and when the Bulgakovs left in the embassy car, Shteiger went
with them. According to Elena Sergeevna "we didn't know him, but he
was famous in Moscow and always found among foreigners." Another prototype
was Baron Egor Ivanovich Maidel' (1817-1881), the cruel director of the
Peter and Paul Prison, who was described in Tolstoy's Ressurrection.