Starka Vodka
Further refinements are described in Classic Vodka by Nicholas Faith and Ian Wisniewski: Poland and Russia boast the widest range of flavoured vodkas, spanning such ingredients as rowan berries, juniper, honey, pepper, lemon, blackcurrant and cherries. While some styles are produced by both countries, there are significant differences in the ingredients used. Russian lemon vodka, Limonnaya, for example, uses lemon peel, while the Polish version, Cytrynowka uses lemon tree leaves as well as lemon peel. Similarly, both countries produce Starka, an aged vodka. The Poles blend unrectified rye spirit with tiny amount of Malaga wine, which is aged for a minimum of 10 years in small oak casks. [note from the publisher:........................] The Russians combine grain spirits flavoured with an infusion of apple and pear tree leaves, together with brandy and port. |