Butlletí de la NACS | Issue 58 | November 2001

Sessions de temātica catalana a l'MLA 2001
Nova Orleans, del 27 al 30 de desembre de 2001

Session 277. Catalunya: Intercultural contacts and immigration
Program arranged by the North American Catalan Society
Presiding: Thomas Smith Harrington, Trinity College, CT
Friday, December 28, 1:45-3:00 pm Studio 1, Marriott


  • "Romancing Don Juan in Mercč Rodoreda's Early work," 
    Christine Arkinstall, University of Auckland

  •  "Affinities on the margins, centers of understanding: Woman, language, and cultural affirmation," 
    Nancy B. Vosburg, Stetson University

  •  "The European Union, northern and southern migrations: Three challenges to Catalan 'linguistic normalization," 
    Paul Edward O'Donnell, University of Michigan, Flint

Session 809. Open forum: A discussion on the future of Catalan studies
Program arranged by the North American Catalan Society
Presiding: Bradley Scott Epps, Harvard University
Sunday, December 30, 1:45-3:00 pm, Jackson, Marriott
  • Speakers: Joan Ramon Resina, Cornell University; Kathleen McNerney, West Virginia University, Morgantown; Thomas Smith Harrington, Trinity College, CT


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